
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: Geography (page 1 of 2)

Geography help please.. i need to catch up?

Question by raebaby(:: Geography help please.. i need to catch up?
The three island groups that make up the Caribbean islands are __________.
A) Haiti, Aruba, and the Coral Islands
B) Hawaii, Tahiti, and the Philippines
C) Jamaica, Trinidad, and Curacao
D) the Greater Antilles, the Lesser Antilles, and the Bahamas
Today, many Caribbean islands are independent but some remain politically linked to __________.
A) European countries and the United States
B) Mexico and Central America
C) South America
D) Africa and Southeast Asia
Local Caribbean island people who are unskilled workers in the tourist industry __________.
A) make a profitable living because of the popularity of the islands with tourists
B) are poorly paid and often face layoffs in the off-season
C) have migrated from the United States
D) are British subjects
Migrants leaving the Caribbean islands usually travel to __________.
A) Europe, Asia, and South America
B) Africa, China, and India
C) the United States, Central America, and other islands in the region
D) the Philippines
Most of the Caribbean’s present population is descended from __________.
A) Africans, Europeans, and Native Americans
B) North Americans, Europeans, and Native Americans
C) North Americans, South Americans, and Europeans
D) Africans, South Americans, and Asian
The economies of many Caribbean islands today depend largely on __________.
A) tourism
B) manufacturing
C) agriculture
D) forestry
Why don’t islanders benefit directly from profits generated by tourism in the Caribbean?
A) Because they leave the islands during the off-season to work in other countries.
B) Because most of the hotels, airlines, and cruise ships are owned by foreign corporations.
C) Because tourism only thrives during the summer months and leaves local people unemployed during the winter months.
D) Because the local people are unskilled and poorly paid.
There are few Indians living on the Caribben islands today because __________.
A) they migrated to Central America after the arrival of Columbus
B) The mestizos forced them off the land
C) European cruelty and diseases killed most of them
D) They moved to the United States in search of work
All of the following are accurate statements about the economies of the Caribbean islands EXCEPT:
A) Many jobs on the islands have seasonal ups and downs.
B) Agriculture and tourism are the main sources of income in the area.
C) Money spent by tourists is responsible for most of the prosperity of the population.
D) The economy receives a boost from money sent home by people who live outside their homeland.

Best answer:

Answer by Matt
4C (guessing here)
8 – no idea

Add your own answer in the comments!

What Are the daily oral geography week 26 answers?

Question by Pat M: What Are the daily oral geography week 26 answers?
1. The following five rivers are the longest in the world: (1) Nile (2) Amazon (3) Chang Jian (Yangtze) (4) Ob-Irtysh (5) Huang He. To which continent does each belong?

2. What parallel divides the Earth into two equal parts?

3. What does it mean when a map is drawn to scale.

4. Which South American country has the longest coastline along the Atlantic Ocean?

5. In what ocean is Japan located?

6. How many South American countries are located on or south of the equator?

7. Who owns the Azores Islands?

8. Which parts of the United States has higher elevations, the southeast or the northwest?

Best answer:

Answer by Soccer chick
Nile is Egypt, Amazon is South America, Chang is China, Huang he is China and Ob- Ietysh is Russia.

Add your own answer in the comments!

geography questions due tomorrow, please help me.?

Question by >’_’: geography questions due tomorrow, please help me.?
1.)What is the capital of the South American country Brazil?

2.)Which country has the largest land area in the western hemisphere?

3.)A compass rose may show both cardinal directions and intermediate directions. What are cardinal directions? What are intermediate directions?

4.)Through which four South American countries does 20 degrees S latitude pass?

5.)The following are the four longest rivers in the world: 1. Nile, 2.Amazon3.)Ob-Irtysh $ .Chang Jiang (Yangtze)? On which continents are they found?

6.)Lima is the capital of Peru. Is it east or west of 80 degrees W longitude?

7.)Population density is the average number of people per square mile or square kilometer. Which country would you guess has a lower population density, Norway or Italy? Why?

8.)How many degrees south of the equator is the south pole?

~Thank you for helping me; And yes I’m very bad at geography, so I have to ask every week~
nope, i have 36 question, these are just the ones i don’t really get. >:0 thats why i need help?? hello to the person who said that?!
Thank you so much for helping me, it’s just that there’s always a few questions i don’t know for my study guide, thanks to you, I’m able to complete it, yay! ^^

Best answer:

Answer by critters
1. Brasilia
2. Canada
3. cardinal: north, south, east, and west; intermediate: northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest
4. Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Chile
5. Nile – Africa, Amazon – South America, Ob-Irtysh – Asia and Chang Jiang – Asia
6. east of 80° – it is 76° 55’°W
7. Norway is 12 people per KM, Italy is 196.1 /KM Norway is lower by far – reason Protestant with 82.7 % (more practice of bith control – family size is 1.4 children
Italy – Catholics make up for the 87.8% – have in the past had more children on average – generally family size in urban areas is 1.4 however in rural areas it is 4.0

– Italy has a better climate – maybe less people emigrate to another country – or perhaps more people who have emigrated return home when they are ready to retire (cheaper to purchase land/homes/to live)

8. 90

What do you think? Answer below!

Help with my Geography Homework! I’s due Friday!?

Question by taylor.monday: Help with my Geography Homework! I’s due Friday!?
1. The following five rivers are the longest in the world: (1) Nile (2) Amazon (3) Chang Jian (Yangtze) (4) Ob-Irtysh (5) Huang He. To which continent does each belong?
2. What parallel divides the Earth into two equal parts?
3. What does it mean when a map is drawn to scale?
4. Which South American country has the longest coastline along the Alantic Ocean?
5. In what ocean is Japan located?
6. How many South American countries are located on or below the equator.
7. Who owns the Azores islands?
8. Which part of the United States has higher elevations, the sooutheast or the northwest?

Best answer:

Answer by Ms
In the time it took you to type all these questions in here, you could’ve typed them into Google and gotten all the answers.

Sheesh. I mean, I’m lazy, but that’s like dumb lazy.

Give your answer to this question below!

Geography help please thanks 10 points?

Question by mina: Geography help please thanks 10 points?
What river flows through the fertile Red (Sichuan) Basin?
A Chang
D. Xi

23. What is a major influence on the climate throughout most of China?

A.coastal location
B.high latitude
C.low elevation
D. Asian monsoon

Best answer:

Answer by applecake84
the 1st question’s answer is: yangtze(sure) then the 2nd’s is : letter d (i think)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

geography help please 10 points?

Question by mina: geography help please 10 points?
Geography help please thanks 10 points?
What river flows through the fertile Red (Sichuan) Basin?
A Chang
D. Xi

23. What is a major influence on the climate throughout most of China?

A.coastal location
B.high latitude
C.low elevation
D. Asian monsoon

Best answer:

Answer by Will
1) C Yangtze

2) B.

Give your answer to this question below!

Home work help geography rivers?

Question by .: Home work help geography rivers?
Complete this table for me plz

in order of lenths

number river country/s it flows through continent
1. nile sudan and egypt africa
2. amazon brazil south america
3. yangtze china asia
4. Huang – He china asia
5. Ob-Irtysh russia asia
6. amur russia asia
7. lena russia asia
8. congo
9. makenzie
10. mekong

Best answer:

Answer by faylo
If you google the names of each river (1 at a time), you should be able to easily find the length of each of them, and other info as well. Probably Wikipedia would be easiest.

Give your answer to this question below!

Q&A: Geography help please?

Question by : Geography help please?
1. Mid-latitude deciduous forests are found in
A) China.
B) Thailand.
C) Mongolia.
D) Vietnam.
2. Lake Eyre is located in
A) Mongolia.
B) Indonesia.
C) Australia.
D) New Zealand.
3. Which of the following ecosystems dominates most of Mongolia?
A) Mid-latitude deciduous forest
B) Chaparral
C) Temperate grassland
D) Tropical rainforest
4. Which of the following events occurred in Australia and New Zealand during the 1700s and 1800s?
A) Australia and New Zealand gained independence from France.
B) Australia and New Zealand gained independence from Portugal.
C) Australia and New Zealand were colonized by Spain.
D) Australia and New Zealand were colonized by Great Britain.
5. Which country has the longest paved highway length?
A) China
B) Japan
C) Australia
D) Thailand
6. Which country has the largest road and railroad networks?
A) China
B) Japan
C) Australia
D) Thailand
7. Which of the following religions developed in China?
A) Hinduism and Islam
B) Judaism and Buddhism
C) Christianity and Jainism
D) Taoism and Confucianism
8. Which country has the most motor vehicles per 1,000 people?
A) China
B) Japan
C) Australia
D) Thailand
9. Which of the following events occurred in the Philippines during the 1500s?
A) The Philippines was colonized by Portugal.
B) The Philippines was colonized by Spain.
C) The Philippines gained independence from France.
D) The Philippines gained independence from Great Britain.
10. What are the major religions of Japan?
A) Buddhism and Shinto
B) Taoism and Buddhism
C) Islam and Christianity
D) Shinto and Islam
11. The waters surrounding Japan and the nearby ocean currents help to make Japan’s climate mostly
A) tropical wet.
B) humid subtropical.
C) Mediterranean.
D) marine west coast.
12. Which of the following physical features in China was NOT formed by the collision of the Eurasian and Indian tectonic plates?
A) The Himalayas
B) The Plateau of Tibet
C) The Kunlun Shan
D) The Gobi Desert
13. The climate in the continent of Australia is largely
A) tropical wet.
B) arid.
C) subarctic.
D) humid subtropical.
14. The Yangtze River is located in
A) Australia.
B) Japan.
C) Thailand.
D) China.
15. Which of the following is an accurate description of the economic diversity of East Asia and the Pacific world?
A) There are pockets of industrialized areas, but the majority of people are engaged in subsistence farming.
B) There is a sharp economic divide, with East Asian nations engaged predominantly in industry and Pacific nations engaged primarily in commercial fishing and farming.
C) The region is a mix of modern industry and agriculture, as well as areas with subsistence farmers and nomadic herders.
D) With the exception of Japan, the economy of the region is dominated by agriculture.
16. During European Imperialism, Portugal established trading colonies in
A) China.
B) Japan.
C) Indonesia.
D) the Philippines.
17. Which of the following statements is true about China’s population?
A) China’s population is concentrated near the border with Pakistan and India.
B) China’s large population is sparsely settled.
C) Almost three-quarters of China’s population is rural.
D) Almost half of China’s population is urban.

18. What are the major religions of the Philippines?
A) Buddhism and Shinto
B) Taoism and Buddhism
C) Islam and Christianity
D) Shinto and Islam
19. Which of the following is considered to be the most influential development in East Asia and the Pacific world?
A) China’s monetary unit and building structures
B) China’s complex society and unique writing system
C) China’s astrology concepts
D) China’s agricultural practices
20. Which country has the least number of airports?
A) China
B) Japan
C) Australia
D) Thailand
21. Australia’s landscape includes all of the following EXCEPT:
A) a mountain range on the east side of the island called Great Dividing Range.
B) a mountain range in the central region of the island called Central Alps Range.
C) a desert on the west side of the island called Gibson Desert.
D) a desert in the central region of the island called Simpson Desert.
22. The climate of the Southeast Asian islands on and around the Equator is mostly
A) arid.
B) humid continental.
C) humid subtropical.
D) tropical wet.
23. All of the following are main economic activities in Australia EXCEPT:
A) livestock raising.
B) hunting and gathering.
C) nomadic herding.
D) commercial fishing.
24. Which country has the longest railroad track length?
A) China
B) Japan
C) Australia
D) Thailand
25. China was the birthplace for all of the following technologies EXCEPT
A) printing.
B) the compass.
C) irrigation.
D) gunpowder.

Best answer:

Answer by antoniu viorel
1A, 2D( I GUESS…), 3C, 4D, 5A, 6B, 7D, 8B, 9B, 10A, 11B, 12D, 13B, 14D, 15A, 16A, 17C, 18C, 19C, 20D, 21A, 22D, 23B, 24B, 25A

What do you think? Answer below!

GEOGRAPHY HELP? Could you answer these questions? Pretty pretty please?

Question by : GEOGRAPHY HELP? Could you answer these questions? Pretty pretty please?
Southeastern China, Southern South Korea, Southern Japan, Northern Taiwan all have semi-arid climates. (Points : 1)

4. Which of the following are common hazards in Japan? (Points : 3)
Earthquakes and typhoons

5. Which of the following rivers has a unique form? (Points : 3)
The Huang He River
The Yangtze River
The Han River
The Naktong River
7. What type of flora can be found in a tropical wet climate zone? (Points : 3)
tall dense forests of broadleaf trees
coniferous forests, temperate grasslands, and agriculture
forests, alpine tundra, mosses, lichens, shrubs, permafrost
deciduous forests, coniferous trees

8. The southern tip of Taiwan, and a small strip of land along China’s southeastern coast containing tall dense forests are part of what climate zone? (Points : 3)
Tropical wet
Humid subtropical
Humid continental

9. Which of the following is the reason why natural hazards in East Asia cause such a large loss of life? (Points : 3)
*The poverty of East Asia makes the region more susceptible to natural hazards.
*The location of East Asia near multiple bodies of water makes the region more susceptible to natural hazards.
*The lack of democratic government in East Asia makes the region more susceptible to natural hazards.
*The refusal of industrialized nations to assist East Asia during times of disaster makes the region more susceptible to natural hazards.
11. Approximately how many new rice consumers will be added in Asia in the next 10 years? (Points : 3)
1 million
1 billion
There will be a decrease in rice consumption

12. Why is the price of rice important? (Points : 3)
Rice prices must be kept within reach of the poorest people.
Rice prices must make a large profit or no one will grow it.
Rice prices impact the cost of fruits and vegetables on neighboring farms.
Rice prices have no real importance other than to large corporations.

Best answer:

Answer by W
Earthquakes and Typhoons
tall dense forests with Broadleaf
Humid subtropical
1 billion
within reach of the poor

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

GEOGRAPHY QUESTIONS!? Easy TEN POINTS to best answer!!!?

Question by : GEOGRAPHY QUESTIONS!? Easy TEN POINTS to best answer!!!?
Southeastern China, Southern South Korea, Southern Japan, Northern Taiwan all have semi-arid climates. (Points : 1)

4. Which of the following are common hazards in Japan? (Points : 3)
Earthquakes and typhoons

5. Which of the following rivers has a unique form? (Points : 3)
The Huang He River
The Yangtze River
The Han River
The Naktong River
7. What type of flora can be found in a tropical wet climate zone? (Points : 3)
tall dense forests of broadleaf trees
coniferous forests, temperate grasslands, and agriculture
forests, alpine tundra, mosses, lichens, shrubs, permafrost
deciduous forests, coniferous trees

8. The southern tip of Taiwan, and a small strip of land along China’s southeastern coast containing tall dense forests are part of what climate zone? (Points : 3)
Tropical wet
Humid subtropical
Humid continental

9. Which of the following is the reason why natural hazards in East Asia cause such a large loss of life? (Points : 3)
*The poverty of East Asia makes the region more susceptible to natural hazards.
*The location of East Asia near multiple bodies of water makes the region more susceptible to natural hazards.
*The lack of democratic government in East Asia makes the region more susceptible to natural hazards.
*The refusal of industrialized nations to assist East Asia during times of disaster makes the region more susceptible to natural hazards.
11. Approximately how many new rice consumers will be added in Asia in the next 10 years? (Points : 3)
1 million
1 billion
There will be a decrease in rice consumption

12. Why is the price of rice important? (Points : 3)
Rice prices must be kept within reach of the poorest people.
Rice prices must make a large profit or no one will grow it.
Rice prices impact the cost of fruits and vegetables on neighboring farms.
Rice prices have no real importance other than to large corporations.

Best answer:

Answer by Connor
The first one is false, the second one are all of them but wildfires.

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