
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: ship (page 1 of 2)

Q&A: If you were on a sinking ship?

Question by Sam-I-Am: If you were on a sinking ship?
What would be the one thing you’d carry around with you in constant fear?

I had this wacked dream this morning that I was on this holiday cruise with all my friends, the daily activities included bull riding in the sea and tea partys with fancy china.

One of the bulls got out the water and was hella mad, he ran around knocking into people and walls etc, everyone was gathered in this massive room, the the ship began filling with water and thick mud.

So began our quest to escape, only I couldnt concentrate because I was clutching a polka dot china cup under my arm.

Very weird. If only I was more resourceful, I should try Lucid Dreaming.
Seriously, lifeboats and jackets are out the question, youre pretty much going to die. Sorry.

Best answer:

Answer by Sinz & Tattooz
A life boat

What do you think? Answer below!

Do US Navy torpedoes have the speed to sink this ship?

Question by Jack P: Do US Navy torpedoes have the speed to sink this ship?
Should the need arise?

It travels from China to the west coast of the US carrying cargo in four days. Goes back to China deadhead [empty] to pick up another load of rubber monster toys for US consumers.

The time might come when the US Navy is charged with sinking ships such as this one. Will they need to use aircraft, cruise missiles, or will our submarines be capable of catching it?

Sorry – forgot to post the link

Best answer:

Answer by Cave Creek
A nuke boomer would have no problem.

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The World Largest Cargo Ship Information……i tell you Friends?

Question by shami742003: The World Largest Cargo Ship Information……i tell you Friends?
World’s Largest Cargo Ship Get a load of this ship! 15,000 containers and a 207′ beam! And look at the crew size (13) for a ship longer than US aircraft carriers, which have complements of 5,000 men and officers. Think it’s big enough? Notice that 207′ beam means it was NOT designed for the Panama or Suez canal . It is strictly transpacific. Check out the “cruise speed”. 31 mph means the goods arrive four days before the typical container ship traveling at 18 to 20 mph on a China-to-California run. So this behemoth is hugely competitive when carrying perishable goods.This ship was built in three, perhaps as many as five sections. The sections floated together and then welded. It is named Emma Maersk. The command bridge is higher than a ten story building and has eleven rigs that can operate simultaneously.

Additional info:
Country of origin – Denmark
Length – 1,302 ft
Width – 207 ft
Net cargo – 123,200 tons
Engine – 14 in-line cylinders diesel engine (110,000 BHP)
Cruise Speed – 31 mi/h
Cargo capacity – 15,000 TEU (1 TEU = 20 ft3 container)
Crew – 13 people
First Trip – Sept. 08, 2006
Construction cost – US $ 145,000,000+

The silicone paint applied to the ship’s bottom reduces water resistance and saves 317,000 gallons of diesel per year

Best answer:

Answer by ?
I love big mean machines… 😉

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If someone is killed on a swiss cruise ship in international waters and the person who was killed was from?

Question by John D: If someone is killed on a swiss cruise ship in international waters and the person who was killed was from?
US and the person who killed them was from China/North Korea or well any country that dislikes the US but has a good size military. Where will the person be tried? The point of the question is to find out what would happen to the person who broke the law and if two countries that are not on good terms who would try this person. You would assume that a person going to be tried in a country that dislikes americans may have a lighter sentence but if they came to the US they may have a more lengthy sentence. The swiss boat was set in there because the Swiss usually wouldnt get involved in this. So what do you think would happen? Would it involve the military in anyway? If either of these people were in the military would it change how this was tried? There is alot of what if in this question to make this happen but it could.

Im not worried about spelling or grammer mistakes just answer the ?
O and yes landlock countries do actually own cruise ships. They do not have to have ports for them to be owned by a country. This questions does not state they left from a Swiss port.
So if the country the ship next docks at is Anti America then the person who killed an american could maybe get an easier sentence?
No im not planning anything I was just asking that because we have tension between many countries and was wondering if tension could lead to problems from the military or economic

Best answer:

Answer by Crow T. Robot
Do me a favor….Look up the Achille Lauro hijacking and the murder of Leon Klinghoffer. The Achille Lauro was an Italian liner, Leon Klinghoffer was an American citizen, and he was murdered by Muslim extremists.

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If someone is killed on a swiss cruise ship in international waters and the person who was killed was from?

Question by John D: If someone is killed on a swiss cruise ship in international waters and the person who was killed was from?
US and the person who killed them was from China/North Korea or well any country that dislikes the US but has a good size military. Where will the person be tried? The point of the question is to find out what would happen to the person who broke the law and if two countries that are not on good terms who would try this person. You would assume that a person going to be tried in a country that dislikes americans may have a lighter sentence but if they came to the US they may have a more lengthy sentence. The swiss boat was set in there because the Swiss usually wouldnt get involved in this. So what do you think would happen? Would it involve the military in anyway? If either of these people were in the military would it change how this was tried? There is alot of what if in this question to make this happen but it could.

Im not worried about spelling or grammer mistakes just answer the ?
O and yes landlock countries do actually own cruise ships. They do not have to have ports for them to be owned by a country. This questions does not state they left from a Swiss port.
So if the country the ship next docks at is Anti America then the person who killed an american could maybe get an easier sentence?
No im not planning anything I was just asking that because we have tension between many countries and was wondering if tension could lead to problems from the military or economic

Best answer:

Answer by Crow T. Robot
Do me a favor….Look up the Achille Lauro hijacking and the murder of Leon Klinghoffer. The Achille Lauro was an Italian liner, Leon Klinghoffer was an American citizen, and he was murdered by Muslim extremists.

What do you think? Answer below!

If someone is killed on a swiss cruise ship in international waters and the person who was killed was from?

Question by John D: If someone is killed on a swiss cruise ship in international waters and the person who was killed was from?
US and the person who killed them was from China/North Korea or well any country that dislikes the US but has a good size military. Where will the person be tried? The point of the question is to find out what would happen to the person who broke the law and if two countries that are not on good terms who would try this person. You would assume that a person going to be tried in a country that dislikes americans may have a lighter sentence but if they came to the US they may have a more lengthy sentence. The swiss boat was set in there because the Swiss usually wouldnt get involved in this. So what do you think would happen? Would it involve the military in anyway? If either of these people were in the military would it change how this was tried? There is alot of what if in this question to make this happen but it could.

Im not worried about spelling or grammer mistakes just answer the ?
O and yes landlock countries do actually own cruise ships. They do not have to have ports for them to be owned by a country. This questions does not state they left from a Swiss port.
True but usually the swiss stay out of conflicts and this one could end with a major conflict between 2 countries that are considered military powers
I have read about leon klinghoffer but this is between two countries who have been having disagreements in the current day. yes Italy and the US are not the greatist of friends but Italy could not at the moment match any military might the US has compared to a maybe more even China well atleast more even compared to Italy and the US. Also those were extremist and the arguement was over if they could try them because they ended up in Italy but this is if two countries were fighting over there own citzens and where a trial would be. Also if the trial would be as fair in one country as another.

Best answer:

Answer by Teekno
A Swiss cruise ship?

Well, I think they should set sail for one of Switzerland’s many bustling seaports and hand them over to the canton authorities.

The law of the nation where the ship is flagged takes precedence.

The Swiss don’t generally get involved in external affairs, but this is an internal affair. A crime that occurred on a Swiss-flagged ship might as well have occurred in downtown Geneva.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

cruise ship ticket cost?

Question by silvermoon: cruise ship ticket cost?
how much would a ticket that starts from the US and goes to china cost???

I heard that it would be more expensive than an airline ticket. is this true?

Best answer:

Answer by MagicMomentsCruises.COM
Yes it would. There are no cruise ships that go directly from China from the US. You could put together a chain of cruise segments that went from the US to China. That would be more costly than a plane ticket and take much much longer.

Of the top of my head the farthest I have seen is from the west coast to Tahiti and back.


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Heard that Victoria Cruise nearly launched a new ship on Yangtze, called Jenna, is there any more information?

Question by Julia: Heard that Victoria Cruise nearly launched a new ship on Yangtze, called Jenna, is there any more information?
Yangtze cruise in China

Best answer:

Answer by k l
I’ve been to the Yangtze Cruise and took Anna, which was a splendid trip.

Janna is a new ship and I searched some info for you.

Victoria Jenna, the newest ship in the Victoria Cruises fleet edged out of port along China’s Yangtze River on April 26, 2009. The ship is being built to the highest international standards; it has the most suites of all vessels plying these mighty waters. At a gross tonnage of approximately 8,000, the five-passenger-deck Victoria Jenna is the largest ship in the company’s fleet; the room breakdown is as follows: 149 standard cabins, 35 junior suites, three deluxe suites and two Shangri-La Suites.

For the pictures and other relevant info you scan this website.

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Will China be using the Shi Lang as a cruise ship for tourists?

Question by We Never Left!!: Will China be using the Shi Lang as a cruise ship for tourists?

After the renovation, it looks quite attractive for an old rust bucket. Agree?

I wonder how many dissidents are undergoing re-education while tredding on the hamster wheels in the engine room…
@Charlie – Thanks for providing some valid references for a change. You’re getting better at this. Now, compared to the US Aircraft Carriers you’ve mentioned, how big is this “rust bucket” that the PLAN has scraped, painted, and polished? Got nuclear power??? Don’t get me wrong here, I think they’ve made it look pretty good. Lastly, what’s the REAL name assigned to it?
That’s a test. Let’s see who first comes up with the name it will be commissioned under.
I’ll start with: 坐鴨

Best answer:

Answer by Charlie Sheen
Your article describes an aircraft carrier that was built in the 1980s that is being refitted with the most modern equipment. I don’t see how the term “rust bucket” applies, unless you are referring to the aging fleets of other countries. Most of America’s aircraft carrier fleet is older than this craft. For example, the USS Enterprise was commissioned in 1961 and the USS Nimitz in 1975. Britain doesn’t even have a fixed wing aircraft carrier anymore. Britain recently sold their last carrier for scrap due to their nation’s financial problems.

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after departing a cruise ship on oct 1, 2007, at xingang, china, what is the best way to get to beijing?

Question by patbilly3: after departing a cruise ship on oct 1, 2007, at xingang, china, what is the best way to get to beijing?

Best answer:

Answer by sporregar
my best answer would be a train.

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