
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

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Q&A: I am going to new york for nine days. Does anyone have a good daily itinerary that I can follow?More is better?

Question by New Yorkie: I am going to new york for nine days. Does anyone have a good daily itinerary that I can follow?More is better?
I am going to new york for nine days. First time. I want to do as much as possible. I was wondering if anybody has a good daily itinerary that I could follow? I want to do things close together in one day and so forth. Some of the major things I want to hit are Ground Zero, China Town, Times Square, Broadway, Central Park and it’s museums, greenwich village, sighttseeing cruises, empire state building, wax museum, manhatten mall, museum of modern art, nbc studio tour, skyride, rockefeller center, statue of liberty and ellis island, century 21, frozzen hot chocolate at serendipity, brooklyn bridge, and any other ideas that you think would be awesome. I have Phantom of the opera tickets already and I have a new york pass. We are staying right in Times Square if that helps any, and I would prefer to take the subway or other cheap ways of travel.

Best answer:

Answer by mr danger
Just 3 things
If you can then change your hotel reservation from TS to the Upper West Side
Doing that will save you money and place you in a much better and non-touristy neighborhood
I mean you’re gonna be in town for 9 days you’ll feel better coming home to a neighborhood where real NY’ers actually live
NYC is a 24/7 city >use that to your advantage
Do the things that have got to be done before 5:00PM before 5:00PM
Go back to your hotel , take a nap for a couple of hours ,freshen up and then go out and play with the City at night
Lastly NYC is the greatest food city on the planet
On the things that NYers worship list Food is always on the top 3 .Take advantage of that by not using any chain restaurants x/c Dunkin Donuts and eating at local ethnic restaurants and getting authentic gourmet ethnic groceries at any one of the hundreds of such places scattered throughout the City and it’s boroughs.

Give your answer to this question below!

Anyone want to play a BNG?

Question by Addison L: Anyone want to play a BNG?
All right!

1. You’re fresh out of college at 22, have a job offer and meet “the one.” What’s his name?

2. At 24, you’re pregnant with a little baby boy! Your boyfriend proposes and you happily consider your baby name… he wants to name him after his grandfather: Hubert. You hate this name and must come up with a way to fix it! (Tough one!)

3. You’re little baby boy is adorable and you’re wedding went perfectly! You get back from your honeymoon and PRESTO! A month later you find out you’re having twins! Two beautiful little girls: you decide to name their first names color names, and their middle names must start with R.

4. Your beautiful family is growing, and your husband has a great job, but you miss the little babies. You adopt a little girl from India and a little boy from China! You want to keep their heritage in their names… how do you do it?

5. Your husband gets a job offer in _______ (pick a place!), so your whole family picks up and moves. Your little boy is 7, your little twins are 5, and you’re adopted kids are 2. But guess what? You’re pregnant again! The baby comes out a month early and he’s so frail and tiny but he makes it. His first and middle names must mean fighter or warrior, or something along those lines.

6. Your littlest one is now 3, and you want another kid. You try, and it’s easy! You’re pregnant with triplets! Two girls and one boy: their first names must be related to either winter or your winter holiday (Christmas, Hanukkah, etc.). And their middle names must all start with the same letter.

7. Whew! Those triplets are tough! But (accidentally this time!) you get pregnant. Yet again! This time, it’s only one! She is born on a cruise in _______ (you pick a place, but it has to be tropical!) and decide to name her a name that represents the place you lived in.

Your kids are beautiful and healthy…

Now let’s see what you named ’em!!


Best answer:

Answer by Sammy 😀
1. Tyler
2. Kyle Hubert
3. Scarlett Rose and Violet Riley
4. Chanda Tamarai and Jun Hong
5. Boston, Deandre Clancey
6. Noelle Alessandra, Faith Annabelle, and Nicholas Alexander
7. The Bahamas, Lily Jane

Add your own answer in the comments!

Anyone very familiar w/ san fransisco?

Question by significantb: Anyone very familiar w/ san fransisco?
I’m traveling to san fransisco for my birthday weekend next month and have never been there. arriving friday night returning sunday afternoon. I’d like to take 300 spending cash.. What hotels are no more than 150 a night and walking distance from the “happening night life” union square.. fisherman’s wharf.. etc.. also w/ 300 dollars what sightseeing is most recommended out of this list:
Fishman’s wharf 1. Yosemite national park
2. Golden gate bridge 2. Muir wood national monument
3. Alcatraz 3. Napa and sonoma valley
4. Cable car 4. Bay Cruise
5. Lombard street 5. Big Sur or Sonoma coast
6. Golden gate park 6. Monterey and Santa Cruz
7. China Town 7. Winchester mystery house and Rosicrucian Museum
8. Union square 8. Stanford University and UC berkeley
9. Coit tower 9. Pinnacles national monument
10.Alamo square

Best answer:

Answer by astudyingstudent
I have just a few comments. It costs about $ 25 per person to take the boat to Alcatraz, and I doubt it’s worth it unless you’re really into Alcatraz. Winchester mystery house is in San Jose, which is about an hour drive from SF. Similarly, Stanford and Yosemite are not actually in SF and would probably require a car to get there. Actually, going to Napa and Big Sur would require a car too.

Since you’re only going to be in SF for a weekend, it would be best spent actually in the city. I would suggest Fisherman’s Wharf/Pier 39, Golden Gate Bridge, Chinatown, Lombard Street, and Union Square. They are all roughly in the same area of SF and accessible by the Muni bus system. Experiencing all these things is free for the most part. You will have a blast!

Edit: To the person who attempted to debunk my information, nowhere is Golden Gate Park or UC Berkeley in my list of faraway places. Also, when I referred to the places to go, “roughly” indicates that they aren’t exactly next door to each other, but they are in about the same part of SF, namely, the northern part.

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Can anyone find a map with all these rivers on it?

Question by la la la la: Can anyone find a map with all these rivers on it?
Yangtze (Chang Jiang);
Yellow (Huang He);
Murray (Murray Darling);
Rio Grande;
can u send me the link please with the ones you do know?

Best answer:

Answer by Fucked up
Not all.quite a few.

What do you think? Answer below!

Can anyone give some insight into the poem Sow by Sylvia Plath? Maybe themes present, or analysis of the poem?

Question by Lisa: Can anyone give some insight into the poem Sow by Sylvia Plath? Maybe themes present, or analysis of the poem?
I’ve read it through a few times and can identify the literary terms, etc, but cannot get anywhere in interpreting the meaning or the themes in the poem. Any help would be great. Thanks!.

The poem is below:


God knows how our neighbor managed to breed
His great sow:
Whatever his shrewd secret, he kept it hid

In the same way
He kept the sow–impounded from public stare,
Prize ribbon and pig show.

But one dusk our questions commended us to a tour
Through his lantern-lit
Maze of barns to the lintel of the sunk sty door

To gape at it:
This was no rose-and-larkspurred china suckling
With a penny slot

For thrift children, nor dolt pig ripe for heckling,
About to be
Glorified for prime flesh and golden crackling

In a parsley halo;
Nor even one of the common barnyard sows,
Mire-smirched, blowzy,

Maunching thistle and knotweed on her snout-
Bloat tun of milk
On the move, hedged by a litter of feat-foot ninnies

Shrilling her hulk
To halt for a swig at the pink teats. No. This vast
Brobdingnag bulk

Of a sow lounged belly-bedded on that black
Fat-rutted eyes
Dream-filmed. What a vision of ancient hoghood

Thus wholly engross
The great grandam!–our marvel blazoned a knight,
Helmed, in cuirass,

Unhorsed and shredded in the grove of combat
By a grisly-bristled
Boar, fabulous enough to straddle that sow’s heat.

But our farmer whistled,
Then, with a jocular fist thwacked the barrel nape,
And the green-copse-castled

Pig hove, letting legend like dried mud drop,
Slowly, grunt
On grunt, up in the flickering light to shape

A monument
Prodigious in gluttonies as that hog whose want
Made lean Lent

Of kitchen slops and, stomaching no constraint,
Proceeded to swill
The seven troughed seas and every earthquaking

Best answer:

Answer by Need2know
Hi… I don’t know much about poetry…. but I found a page that maybe could help you.

I don’t know if the interpretation is right, but I hope it helps you.

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Q&A: Will anyone take this?

Question by j: Will anyone take this?
Your boyfriend that you’ve dated for three years proposes while y’all are on a date on a dinner cruise ship!!!! You decide to marry at 1.__________ and honeymoon in 2.___________.

Two years after you get married, you have a little girl. You name her with the meaning PRETTY and she is just that!!! She has shiny beach-blond hair and huge blue eyes. What is her name? 3.

Your little girl is now 2 and wants a baby sister. She gets 3 baby sisters!!! 4.You name them after celebrities and their children.

When your first daughter is 5 and your triplets are 3, you and your husband see an advertisement for an orphanage in China. The little one-year-old girl you adopt has soft black hair and brown eyes. You name her with a Chinese first and a unisex middle.

After your oldest is 7, the triplets are 5, and your adopted girl is 3, your husband really wants a son!!! Y’all have twins, a boy and a girl. They both have brown hair and green eyes. Your son’s name is his Daddy’s middle, and you name his middle after your father. Your daughter is the same with her mother’s middle name and her grandma’s .
Congrats on your big family!!!

Best answer:

Answer by ♥Kαуlee♥ (Hello Santa Baby)ツ
1. Our Church
2. Honeymoon in England
3. Caroline Ruby (Caroline means Beautiful Woman, and I like that better than Pretty)
4. Katherine Sophia, Eva Madeleine, & Lucy Elizabeth (after Katharine Hepburn, Eva Longoria, & Lucille Ball)
5. Maylin Addison
6. Benjamin Riley & Lynette Rose (my middle name is Lynn, but I don’t like that as a first name)

So I have:
Caroline, Katey, Eva, Lucy, Ben, Maylin & Lynette[♥]

This was fun! Can you make another one, please : )
♥кαуℓєє ℓуηη

What do you think? Answer below!

can anyone fill in these ANALOGIES?

Question by kmhgymnast95: can anyone fill in these ANALOGIES?
italy:Europe::Zaire: ____
Mississippi delta:gulf of mexico::nile delta:____
Native americans:north america::_____australia
nebraska:kansas:: ______ south america
mount mckinley:north america:: ____ austrialia
aswan high dam:____::hover dam:colorado river
yangtze river:asia::____north america
__________________:USA::prime minster:australia
lake superior:north america::lake victoria:_________
mexico:north america::thailand:_____

can anyone fill in the blanks?
so this ASAP. please and thank you! (:

Best answer:

Answer by gimpy
Italy: Europe::Zaire: Africa
Native Americans: North America::Aborigines: Australia
Kilimonjaro Autralia
President USA Prime Minister australia
Kangaroo Joey

Add your own answer in the comments!

Anyone want to edit my english paper?

Question by Steve B: Anyone want to edit my english paper?
I did a research paper on the Nanking Massacre. If you could correct any spelling or grammatical mistakes. Thanks!

Nanking Massacre
My research paper is about the Nanking Massacre. Sometimes refered to the Rape of Nanking. It occurred in the year of 1937. The duration of this massacre is still undetermined but the violence consisted of six weeks. There were over 300,000 people killed and over 20,000 women raped. It is a true devastation to the Chinese people
In this massacre the aggressor was the Imperial Japanese Army or just Japan and the Victim was the Chinese people of Nanking. The reason for this massacre was word domination. Japan wanted to control the world, Quite similar to Germany in WWII. All Japanese children raised in the 1900s were raised to hate China and the people that live there. It was a Japs duty to obey their emperor who was declared the son of heaven. Every citizen was raised to fight! Their first step of world domination was to take over China so that’s how the Naking Massacre got started.
People were not just simply killed in this Massacre, they were extremely tortured in sick, twisted ways! The Chinese were shot, gassed, raped, looted, burned, and the city was vandalized. Gasoline was poured on large groups of Chinese soldiers and set of fire. As well as people being set on fire so were buildings. Poison gas was used on anyone who appeared to be a Chinese soldier. Peopled were looted of everything! The loot included jewelry, coins, domesticated animals, food, clothes, antiques, and even inexpensive items such as cigarettes, eggs, fountain pens, and buttons.
The most disturbing things I’ve learned from this is the way they went about raping the women of Nanking. They raped girls of ages 10 and younger, women 70 and older. They even made sons rape their daughters and sons rape their mothers. If anyone resisted or refused they were killed immediately.
One particular even in this massacre were a lot of people were killed was the “Tragedy at Yangtze River”. On December 13, 1937 50,000 people died trying to escaped from the Japanese by crossing the Yangtze River.
You can imagine the survivors lives were deeply traumatized as any survivor would be after such a horrific experience. Seeing your own people being killed and tortured in sickening ways would take its toll on you. Some survivors managed to write books and other pieces of what they saw and experienced such as Li Xiuying, Mu Xifu, Xia Shuqin, and many others.
After this genocide the Japanese tried to deny it ever happen, but with such terrifying evidence that would not hold up. Japanese class A war criminals were tried in court for war crimes. Twenty five of them were found guilty, seven sentenced to the death penalty, sixteen to life in prison, and two to lesser terms.

Best answer:

Answer by unauthorizedworker
The Nanking Massacre is sometimes refered to as “the rape of Naking.” It occured in 1937. The duration of this massacre has not yet been determined, but the violence consisted of six weeks. There were over 300,000 people killed and over 20,000 women raped. It was a true devistation to the people in China.

The massacre’s aggressor was was the Imperial Japanese army, or just Japan, and the victims were the people of Naking. The reason for the massacre was for world domination. Japan wanted to control the world-Quite like Germany did in World War II. All Japanese children raised in the 1900’s were taught to hate the Chinese. It was a Japanese person’s duty to obey the emperor, who was declared “the son of Heaven.” Every citizen was taught to fight! The first step in world domination was to take over China, and that is how the massacre started.

People were not just simply killed-They were tortured in sick, twisted ways! The Chinese were shot, gassed, raped, looted, burned, and their city was also vandalized. Gasoline was poured on large groups of solders, and they were then set on fire. Buildings were also set on fire. Poison gas was used when someone was suspected of being Chinese. People were also looted! Things that were looted included jewelry, coins, domestic animals, food, clothes, antiques, and even inexpensive items such as cigarettes, eggs, fountain pens, and buttons.

The most disturbing thing I’ve learned from this is the way they went about raping the women. They raped girls from ages younger than 10, to ages older than 70. They even made sons rape their daughters and mothers. If anyone resisted or refused, they were instantly killed. One particular event where many people were killed was the “Tragedy at Yangtze River.” On December 13, 1937, 50,000 people died trying to escape from the Japanese crossing the Yangtze river.

One can imagine the survivors lives that would have been deeply traumatized as any survivor would be after such a horrific experience. Seeing one’s own people being killed and tortured in sickening ways would take it’s toll on one. Some survivors managed to write books and other things of what they saw and experienced. Some survivers were Li Xiuying, Mu Xifu, Xia Shuquin, and many others.

After the genocide happened, the Japanese tried to deny it ever happened, but with such terrifying evidence, that wouldn’t hold up. Japanese class A war criminals were tried in court for war crimes. 25 of them were found guilty, and 7 were sentenced to the death penalty. 16 were sent to life in prison, and 2 were sent to lesser terms.

Give your answer to this question below!

Anyone who can answer these questions gets 10 points!?

Question by kevin: Anyone who can answer these questions gets 10 points!?
Information can be gathered from

1) Name three movies starring Tom Cruise:

2)Who was the lead actor in “Big Trouble Little China”?

3) Who wrote and directed the original “Halloween”?

4) Name three movies directed by Alfred Hitchcock.

5) Name three movies that John Williams wrote the score (music) for

6) What basketball star was almost cast in “Rush Hour 3”?

7) What was Keanu Reeves first acting job?

8) Name three movies where Marvel Enterprises was the Production Company.

9) What movie will Johnny Depp star in next?

10) What was John Woo’s first movie and where was he born?

11) What is the number 1 racnked comedy movie according to IMDB?

12) What is the worst ranked horrow movie according to IMDB?

13) Name on movie coming out the week of October 5th.

Best answer:

Answer by meemee
lol…u makin people work 4 the points…i’m in class so cant… 🙁

What do you think? Answer below!

hey this is for anyone who likes world history, answer if u no plz.?

Question by thecrazyday: hey this is for anyone who likes world history, answer if u no plz.?
These are questions for my exam review and im just hoping that some of you guys can help me. Theres 78 questions. You don’t have to answer all all the questions but answer as many as you can if you want. thx.

1. Where is the Tigris River?
2. Where is the Euphrates River?
3. Where is the Nile River?
4. Why is the Himalayas important?
5. What is the significance of the Yangtze River?
6. What is the significance of the Ganges River?
7. What is the significance of the North China Plain?
8. List the characteristics of a civilization.
9. What were Nomadic Invasions?
10. Describe the River Valley Agriculture.
11. What is the Caste system?
12. What is reincarnation?
13. Who were the Pheonicians?
14. What were the Phonetic symbols used for?
15. Who was Confucious?
16. What is Aristocracy?
17. What is Direct democracy?
18. What is a Monarchy?
19. What is an Oligarchy?
20. What is a Republic?
21. List the common economies of the ancient empires.
22. List some classical art and architecture from Greece.
23. What were the city states in Greece?
24. Describe Roman Law.
25. What were the 12 Tables?
26. What was Pax Romana?
27. What is succession?
28. List the outcomes of the Hellenistic Civilization.
29. What is cultural diffusion?
30. List the Indian Achievements in science.
31. What were the 10 commandments?
32. Compare the original Holy Roman Empire to the one under Fredrick I.
33. What was the government under the Han Dynasty?
34. What was the economy under the Han Dynasty?
35. What were the results of the Bantu Migration?
36. What was the agriculture like under the Bantu’s?
37. What were the political, economic and environmental reasons for the migration?
38. What was the agriculture like in the Americas?
39. What was the trade like in the Americas?
40. What is the House of Wisdom?
41. What is the Qur’an?
42. What were the 5 Pillars of Islam?
43. What is Justinian’s Code?
44. What was Muslim trade and culture?
45. Who were Samurai?
46. What was government like in Feudal Japan?
47. Who was Genghis Khan?
48. What were Germanic tribes?
49. Who was Marco Polo?
50. What was the impact of Nomadic Invasions?
51. Who was Charlemagne?
52. What is Feudalism?
53. What is a Manor System?
54. Who is a lord?
55. Who is a vassal?
56. Who is a knight?
57. List the functions of the guilds.
58. What were the cause and effects of the Commercial revolution?
59. What is the magna carta?
60. What is Parliament?
61. What were the effects of the Crusades?
62. What were stateless societies?
63. What was African trade?
64. List the conquests of the Aztecs.
65. What was the language of the Aztecs?
66. What type of government was run by the Incas?
67. What technology was created by the Incas?
68. What type of trade was developed by the Mayas?
69. What was the language of the Mayas?
70. What was the Renaissance?
71. Who were the Humanists?
72. Who was Leonardo DaVinci?
73. What is Block print?
74. Who is Martin Luther and his beliefs of salvation?
75. What were the selling of indulgences?
76. Describe the Ottoman and Safavid empires.
77. What types of industry were in these empires?
78. What is Cultural Blending?

Best answer:

Answer by katie and my friend jasmine
i know number 12
number 12 is like when the dead comes back to life as someone/something else.
thats pretty much it. haha

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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