
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

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Q&A: practice test can someone help?

Question by Jake A: practice test can someone help?
Question 3 1 points Save
The British government began direct rule of India in 1898.

Question 4 1 points Save
Pongal is a festival that celebrates spring and the triumph of good over evil.

Question 5 1 points Save
The capital of Sri Lanka is Colombo.

Question 6 1 points Save
Nepal and Bhutan are landlocked countries in the Himalayas.

Question 7 1 points Save
Rivers and good soil are the Maldives most important resources.

Question 8 1 points Save
South-central Nepal is home to the Indian rhinoceros.

Question 9 1 points Save
The last Chinese dynasty was overthrown by rebels under the leadership of Chiang Kai-shek.

Question 10 1 points Save
China is one of the richest and most industrialized countries in Asia.

Question 11 2 points Save
Which religion is defined by a strict moral code based on preserving life?

Question 12 2 points Save
The largest country of the Indian Perimeter is _____.

Question 13 2 points Save
The topography of Bangladesh is continually reshaped by _____.

Question 14 2 points Save
Very high waves that wash ashore are called _____.
storm surges
alluvial washes

Question 15 2 points Save
Which two countries of the Indian Perimeter are landlocked?
Nepal and Bhutan
Nepal and Bangladesh
Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
Pakistan and Bhutan

Question 16 2 points Save
What geographic feature separates Sri Lanka from India?
the Himalayas
the Palk Strait
the Indus Valley

Question 17 2 points Save
Which countries are mountainous enough to generate hydroelectric power?
Pakistan and Bangladesh
Pakistan and Sri Lanka
Nepal and Pakistan
Nepal and Bhutan

Question 18 2 points Save
Where is Taiwan located relative to China?

Question 19 2 points Save
Which of the following plants is typical of China’s humid regions?
mangrove swamps
steppe grasslands
drought-resistant plants

Question 20 2 points Save
What river has been called “China’s sorrow?”

Best answer:

Answer by Benvolio.3133
If you researched it, you would remember the answer better. That is what practise tests are for.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Can someone please help?

Question by : Can someone please help?
The Chinese government is constructing the largest dam ever built in an effort to control the Yangtze River. In at least 5 paragraphs I want you to give details about this dam and what kind of impact it will have on China and possibly even the world. You should include information about the structure itself, the positive and negative results of building the Three Gorges Dam and possibly your opinion on the matter which should be supported with reasons why.

like a paragraph so I can keep going from there so I could understand better on what to do on this project

Best answer:

Answer by →Rachael (:
Oh wow. You come on here asking someone to write five paragraphs for you?

Psh. Nobody is gonna do that. Do you own homework, kid!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Can someone please help?

Question by : Can someone please help?
The Chinese government is constructing the largest dam ever built in an effort to control the Yangtze River. In at least 5 paragraphs I want you to give details about this dam and what kind of impact it will have on China and possibly even the world. You should include information about the structure itself, the positive and negative results of building the Three Gorges Dam and possibly your opinion on the matter which should be supported with reasons why.

like a paragraph so I can keep going from there so I could understand better on what to do on this project

Best answer:

Answer by bmoviebimbo
google is your friend.

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Q&A: Someone told me. Is this true?

Question by : Someone told me. Is this true?
the US and its allies(UK,Australia,S.Korea,Japan,Canada… and the others) got into a war with China and its Allies(Russia,North Korea, and Vietnam). Now in this their are know nuclear weapons, or WMDs. Russia would split into(a side with China and a side with NATO), The war would be in Asia and Europe, the war would be at a stalemate, and both sides would put up mass AA batteries, large minefields and Pill Boxes, Anti-tank systems that Trench warfare would return and mass slaughter would come back, tactics would be back to charges and being mowed down. The Trenches would be more dangerous with mass aircraft falling from the skies(both sides would stop using aircraft for a while). Morale and shell-shock would be high for both sides, with a never-ending war, fought in an unconventional way, with conventional weapons. Both sides only gaining a few yards after months of fighting. What do you think of this Scenario?


The US CIA and secret service subvert the economies of China and Russia with counterfeit money. Israel attacks the nuclear sites in Iran
without US permission to fly over Iraq instead they secretly get Saudi Arabia to allow them to fly over their space. Iran turns Hezbollah towards the Jewish homeland and they unleash a mass of rocket propelled bombs in a guerrilla fashion raking havoc all over proper Israel. Iran sends its air force to bomb Israel and is totally outclassed and none of its planes return. Israeli leaders threaten nuclear attack against any nation that sets foot on Israeli soil, sends missiles into Israel territory, or aids another nation that does so, including Russia and China, Israel loses a lot of planes, but gets a lot of bda and its all good the bunker busters are working. Iran begins to mass troops in Syria with the support of southern Iraq leader AL Sadr, Israel aware of the buildup prepares its nuclear neutron cruise missiles and scatters its nuclear bomber fleet, at this stage the US nuclear submarines on full alert with all assets focused on Iran and Russia. North Korean leader dies, son is ceremonially installed and immediately attacks south Korea. Unable to defend Seoul the western leaders agree that Pyongyang must be eliminated and the north Korean military led out into the open and destroyed also, all with nukes and so we begin, as
china views unwelcome a nuclear disaster and human refugee on its southern border a new capitalist united Korea is too much so china
nukes south Korea and Tokyo and threatens the Us to stay out of Asia permanently, forces surround Israel, and as they move in for the coup DE grace, Israel sends dozens of nuclear missiles out and Moscow is destroyed along with several large Russian cities and Iranian Syrian also completely wiped out, Us sends a shock wave over china that kills every living human and animal on the continent, weapons of mass destruction take on new meaning as Russia goes to retaliate all their missiles are electronically jammed and cant be used, Russian aircraft are being shot out of the sky but some get through and western cites are nuked including tel av iv London new york, and Us decides to eliminate Russia also with a weapon of mass destruction, its Armageddon. life as we know it is never the same again.

Best answer:

Answer by Blue Falcon
I cant believe you wasted that much time writing that.

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If someone is killed on a swiss cruise ship in international waters and the person who was killed was from?

Question by John D: If someone is killed on a swiss cruise ship in international waters and the person who was killed was from?
US and the person who killed them was from China/North Korea or well any country that dislikes the US but has a good size military. Where will the person be tried? The point of the question is to find out what would happen to the person who broke the law and if two countries that are not on good terms who would try this person. You would assume that a person going to be tried in a country that dislikes americans may have a lighter sentence but if they came to the US they may have a more lengthy sentence. The swiss boat was set in there because the Swiss usually wouldnt get involved in this. So what do you think would happen? Would it involve the military in anyway? If either of these people were in the military would it change how this was tried? There is alot of what if in this question to make this happen but it could.

Im not worried about spelling or grammer mistakes just answer the ?
O and yes landlock countries do actually own cruise ships. They do not have to have ports for them to be owned by a country. This questions does not state they left from a Swiss port.
So if the country the ship next docks at is Anti America then the person who killed an american could maybe get an easier sentence?
No im not planning anything I was just asking that because we have tension between many countries and was wondering if tension could lead to problems from the military or economic

Best answer:

Answer by Crow T. Robot
Do me a favor….Look up the Achille Lauro hijacking and the murder of Leon Klinghoffer. The Achille Lauro was an Italian liner, Leon Klinghoffer was an American citizen, and he was murdered by Muslim extremists.

What do you think? Answer below!

If someone is killed on a swiss cruise ship in international waters and the person who was killed was from?

Question by John D: If someone is killed on a swiss cruise ship in international waters and the person who was killed was from?
US and the person who killed them was from China/North Korea or well any country that dislikes the US but has a good size military. Where will the person be tried? The point of the question is to find out what would happen to the person who broke the law and if two countries that are not on good terms who would try this person. You would assume that a person going to be tried in a country that dislikes americans may have a lighter sentence but if they came to the US they may have a more lengthy sentence. The swiss boat was set in there because the Swiss usually wouldnt get involved in this. So what do you think would happen? Would it involve the military in anyway? If either of these people were in the military would it change how this was tried? There is alot of what if in this question to make this happen but it could.

Im not worried about spelling or grammer mistakes just answer the ?
O and yes landlock countries do actually own cruise ships. They do not have to have ports for them to be owned by a country. This questions does not state they left from a Swiss port.
So if the country the ship next docks at is Anti America then the person who killed an american could maybe get an easier sentence?
No im not planning anything I was just asking that because we have tension between many countries and was wondering if tension could lead to problems from the military or economic

Best answer:

Answer by Crow T. Robot
Do me a favor….Look up the Achille Lauro hijacking and the murder of Leon Klinghoffer. The Achille Lauro was an Italian liner, Leon Klinghoffer was an American citizen, and he was murdered by Muslim extremists.

What do you think? Answer below!

If someone is killed on a swiss cruise ship in international waters and the person who was killed was from?

Question by John D: If someone is killed on a swiss cruise ship in international waters and the person who was killed was from?
US and the person who killed them was from China/North Korea or well any country that dislikes the US but has a good size military. Where will the person be tried? The point of the question is to find out what would happen to the person who broke the law and if two countries that are not on good terms who would try this person. You would assume that a person going to be tried in a country that dislikes americans may have a lighter sentence but if they came to the US they may have a more lengthy sentence. The swiss boat was set in there because the Swiss usually wouldnt get involved in this. So what do you think would happen? Would it involve the military in anyway? If either of these people were in the military would it change how this was tried? There is alot of what if in this question to make this happen but it could.

Im not worried about spelling or grammer mistakes just answer the ?
O and yes landlock countries do actually own cruise ships. They do not have to have ports for them to be owned by a country. This questions does not state they left from a Swiss port.
True but usually the swiss stay out of conflicts and this one could end with a major conflict between 2 countries that are considered military powers
I have read about leon klinghoffer but this is between two countries who have been having disagreements in the current day. yes Italy and the US are not the greatist of friends but Italy could not at the moment match any military might the US has compared to a maybe more even China well atleast more even compared to Italy and the US. Also those were extremist and the arguement was over if they could try them because they ended up in Italy but this is if two countries were fighting over there own citzens and where a trial would be. Also if the trial would be as fair in one country as another.

Best answer:

Answer by Teekno
A Swiss cruise ship?

Well, I think they should set sail for one of Switzerland’s many bustling seaports and hand them over to the canton authorities.

The law of the nation where the ship is flagged takes precedence.

The Swiss don’t generally get involved in external affairs, but this is an internal affair. A crime that occurred on a Swiss-flagged ship might as well have occurred in downtown Geneva.

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Can someone tell me a good company to go to for cruises in Southern China?

Question by templeofblackbelts: Can someone tell me a good company to go to for cruises in Southern China?
I want to have a cruise in the southern part of china with my girl.

Best answer:

Answer by km

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