
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: ships

Are there ever any kids on Viking cruise ships?

Question by soccerfreeaak!: Are there ever any kids on Viking cruise ships?
I will be going on one to China with my grandmother, and i know that most people aboard will be her age, but are there ever any young people? Particularly kids or teenagers? (I am 14) Oh, and it is over the Summer.

Best answer:

Answer by Daniel
On Viking Cruise Line, You should not expect more than 4 children your age, of course depending on the size of the ship. When I went with my child he told me that he was just lucky that the kids there were nice, regardless;Viking is a great cruise line and i believe you will have a lot of fun!
Good Luck!

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What kind of ships can I choose on the Yangtze River? ?

Question by Kennifer W: What kind of ships can I choose on the Yangtze River? ?
Are there any cruises recommended? Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Jim from SSI, GA

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