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Tag: media

Is the media getting the Himalayan glacier story wrong?

Question by Dana1981: Is the media getting the Himalayan glacier story wrong?
The “big story” today is that the IPCC made an error in saying that Himalayan glaciers could be gone by 2035. However, a recent expedition found that this prediction might not be so far off after all.

“researchers discovered that levels of black carbon in the ice core of the Tibetan plateau had soared since the 1990s because of smokestack industries and coal fires in millions of homes.

The plateau’s 36,000 glaciers, which once extended for 18,000 square miles, could vanish before mid-century if present rates of warming persist. More than 80% of them are in retreat. The overall area has shrunk by 4.5% in the past 20 years.”

“The snow is thawing and the snowline has risen from 4,600 metres to 5,300 metres. The Jianggendiru glacier, which is the main water supply of the Yangtze, has been degenerating fast since 1970, and when the glaciers shrink there will be a water crisis in the Yellow and Yangtze rivers.”

“Qin Dahe, an eminent scientist and explorer, has been permitted to disclose alarming official assessments of the causes to Xinhua, the state news agency. “Owing to global warming, glaciers on the QinghaiTibet plateau are retreating extensively at a speed faster than in any other part of the world,” he said.”

So ironically, while the IPCC made an error here, it turns out their erroneous figure was actually pretty close to reality. Why isn’t that bit of information making the news stories?

Best answer:

Answer by Dr Feelgood
Read this with an open mind. Glaciers only bring in 3 to 4% of the drinking water. It’s the monsoons and snow melt each year that is the major source of the drinking water. Many glaciers there are actually growing or are stable according to these scientists in India. And no the IPCC is still way off base.

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Did China launched an attack on a US cruise ship: but the media refused to inform Americans cause the media &?

Question by American Noodle: Did China launched an attack on a US cruise ship: but the media refused to inform Americans cause the media &?
Wall Street ain’t Americans …………. they are just here to Milk Americans

Best answer:

Answer by ArizonaAlmostRealAmerica
So I have heard.

What do you think? Answer below!

Is it true that China has launch an attack on a US cruise ship: but the media refuse to inform Americans?

Question by American Noodle: Is it true that China has launch an attack on a US cruise ship: but the media refuse to inform Americans?
because the media and Wall Street ain’t Americans …………. they are just here to Milk Americans

Best answer:

Answer by Anti-Liberal
no, it isn’t.

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