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Tag: American

American Pens & Pencils (probably made in China) to give to children we meet in our travels?

Question by : American Pens & Pencils (probably made in China) to give to children we meet in our travels?
We are going on our first cruise. I have taught my daughter that when she traveled (To India, Costa Rica, and Equator) that she should always have something for children when she travels. Canada is not a poor country, but would it be a good idea to carry pens, pretty pencils or pencils with soccer balls, etc. for children we meet? Any suggestions?

BTW, A dear friend told me when I was 19 that when I travel, I am an ambassador of the US. For some people, I may be the only American that they meet. I realize that I am stopping at a popular stop for a cruise ship, however, this lesson still sticks with me.

Best answer:

Answer by Halo
In India they want money….not pens and pencils, also you will see that most places have a satellite dish (TV) on their roofs so don’t be surprised if your not the first American person they have met, believe me there have been many before you. As with most cruise ship stops the people will have tried and tested ways to part you from your money just don’t be gullible and remember even though you are on vacation don’t drop your guard with respect to safety.
May i suggest you take something with your countries flag on it.
In India don’t be saddened by the young age of the beggars apparently it’s part of an organised group of children, and never have your shoes cleaned that is a scam as well.

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Q&A: What is it with American cars these days?

Question by Crad010: What is it with American cars these days?
We hear this and that about transmissions failing on Chryslers, faulty cruise controls on Fords, and goodness knows what about GM vehicles, while the Japanese/Korean/Other Asian Country manufacturers are making the money. I’m trying to buy my first car (used), but I really can’t make a decision. Half of me wants to go and buy a Chrylser 300C or a Dodge Charger, some other part of me wants me to buy an Acura TL or an Infiniti G35. I also want to think about buying a European car like a Mercedes, BMW, or an Audi. I’ve even considered Volvo as my first, but even they can’t keep up in some cases ( ) It’s confusing and maddening. I want to get a car with good fuel economy, and one with quality and safety. Yet everyone wants for people to buy American cars. Most of the workers are in China, perhaps that’s why American car companies are suffering, as well from HORRIBLE management, in part of GM and Ford.
And tell me, is it that hard to fix faulty cruise controls, if the problem’s repeated since 1999? And why is it that GM’s got horrible service these days? And really, Chrysler, is it too much to ask for a decent German transmission?

Best answer:

Answer by rick y
Ok, don’t buy American, don’t vote, don’t make anything better for the United States economy and most of all, don’t complain about the United States and move out to any of the other countries you like other than this one.

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Q&A: I am an American traveling with a Philapina to china and then Viet Nam on a cruise. what we require for visas?

Question by bangjay: I am an American traveling with a Philapina to china and then Viet Nam on a cruise. what we require for visas?
we are leaving from Hong Kong and then going to Viet Nam followed by Sanya.

Best answer:

Answer by Charlie
You can use the website below. Just enter your nationality, then the destination, then click for the info and it will tell you if you need a visa. If you do, you will have to contact that country’s embassy nearest to you to apply for the visa. iam sure China requires everyone to have qa visa. also, check with the cruise company, sometimes they take care of visa requirements ( or at least help you) for their passengers.

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