Question by OlympicFuwa: To be released outside of China?
I’ve always enjoyed the Olympics, yet not so much as I’m enjoying the upcoming Olympic Beijing Games as they are to take place in one of my favorite countries which is China.

The spirit of good will and perseverance, which surrounds these games, has been embodied in the five Fuwa which are symbolic of the Five Olympic Rings.

In China an anime named Olympic Adventures of Fuwa or The Fuwa Olympic Cruise with the Olympic theme has been released and is centered on Chinese Cultures and the preparation for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

I just would like to ask if this anime will be aired outside of China, to be more specific I’d like to know if it will be aired in the United States on a network like Cartoon Network?

And does anyone know if a site like youtube or veoh contains episodes with subs for the anime?

If anyone knows the answer to these questions please give me the information for I will be truly thankful.

Best answer:

Answer by William M
You can watch the song on You tube at the mo’

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