
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: countries

Q&A: The Pacific Ring of Fire is an area of volcanoes and earthquakes. What are two countries located in this regio?

Question by : The Pacific Ring of Fire is an area of volcanoes and earthquakes. What are two countries located in this regio?
1.Which of the following is one of the main rivers in Southeast Asia?
2.The Pacific Ring of Fire is an area of volcanoes and earthquakes. What are two countries located in this region
3.What two major rivers make up the Indo-Gangetic Plain.
4.Which of the following bodies of water does not act as a border for Japan?
Sea of Japan
Philippine Sea
Pacific Ocean
Bay of Bengal
5.Air pollution was a major problem for this city as it hosted the Summer Olympics.
New Delhi
6.Two of the nations who managed to gain their freedom from Japan following World War II were _____.
8.Pakistan and Bangladesh came from this country.
9.These three nations interacted throughout their history, mixing cultures.
10.Which of the following was an important time in Japanese history?
11.The Silk Road enabled these two ancient empires to greatly prosper.
12.Which of the following nations is dealing with severe coral reef damage?
13.This nation has established preserves to protect the endangered tiger.
14The arrival of warships from this nation forced Japan to give up its policy of seclusion.
Soviet Union
United States
Great Britain

Best answer:

Answer by Deep Shadow
1 Ganges
2 japan and malasiya
3 ganges and brahmputra
4 bay of bangal
5 tokyo
6 indonesia and taiwan
8 india
9 japan
10 ming
11 china to thailand
12 bhutan maldive
13 india
14 soviet union

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Does the US think civilians from “3rd World” countries are just dirty animals and so have no rights???

Question by f_vidigal: Does the US think civilians from “3rd World” countries are just dirty animals and so have no rights???
It is very common practice of the US to launch missile air strikes against populated areas if they think someone wanted is hiding there somewhere, and usually they kill the guy but they also kill many innocent civilians. After that, the US officials say they are sorry(not), and case closed. And they don’t care because it was “3rd World” Nation civilians.
How about if a “3rd World” Nation wanted someone and thought the guy was hiding in a US town, then send a “3rd World” cruise missile to blow up that US town, and then just say sorry, and case closed?
Would the US send a cruise missile too if that wanted guy was hiding in Paris, or somewhere in China?
How about if the US suspected a wanted guy was hiding in a US town would they send a missile to blow the town up, then no criminal repercussions, no monetary indemnifications, and just say sorry, and case closed?
What is the difference between innocent US civilians, innocent “3rd World” Nation civilians, and innocent Chinese civilians?
Are the innocent US civilians prettier? US civilians can suffer pain and the others don’t? US civilians have hopes, dreams and families; and the others don’t? Does US civilians are worth more than other Human Beings?
Is US ARROGANT and Inhumane???
Daniel S., OR MAYBE THE US IS THE HITLER NOW, AND YOU KNOW “Straighted Out”!!!!!
RULING THE WORLD????!!!!! You are very ARROGANT and STUPID. KEEP DREAMING YOU FUCK! You know what happed to hitler?

Best answer:

Answer by Daniel S.
tough cookies dude. keep your nose clean or Team AMerica will come and straighten you out.

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Q&A: Does the US think civilians from “3rd World” countries are just dirty animals and so have no rights???

Question by f_vidigal: Does the US think civilians from “3rd World” countries are just dirty animals and so have no rights???
It is very common practice of the US to launch missile air strikes against populated areas if they think someone wanted is hiding there somewhere, and usually they kill the guy but they also kill many innocent civilians. After that, the US officials say they are sorry(not), and case closed. And they don’t care because it was “3rd World” Nation civilians.
How about if a “3rd World” Nation wanted someone and thought the guy was hiding in a US town, then send a “3rd World” cruise missile to blow up that US town, and then just say sorry, and case closed?
Would the US send a cruise missile too if that wanted guy was hiding in Paris, or somewhere in China?
How about if the US suspected a wanted guy was hiding in a US town would they send a missile to blow the town up, then no criminal repercussions, no monetary “compensations”, and just say sorry, and case closed?
What is the difference between innocent US civilians, innocent “3rd World” Nation civilians, and innocent Chinese civilians?
Are the innocent US civilians prettier? US civilians can suffer pain and the others don’t? US civilians have hopes, dreams and families; and the others don’t? Does US civilians are worth more than other Human Beings?
Is US ARROGANT and Inhumane???
“3D Farms”, Then the 9/11 war war too, HON. Dont like it so much when it happens to you, HON?

Best answer:

Answer by 3D Farms
That’s war , hon .

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Q&A: What countries surround Mont Blanc?

Question by Barb: What countries surround Mont Blanc?
I was doing some research for an english project and I need to know what countries surround mont blanc? Any help would be welcome…also if you know a city on the Yangtze River, that would also help! thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Zeah Rix
Italy and France
and a city Shanghai and Nanjing are both on Yangtze

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Can I traveled the countries out of U.S on the sea with Visa experied?

Question by : Can I traveled the countries out of U.S on the sea with Visa experied?
I am an International Student in U.S who comes from China(who is non-us citizens). I am currently in U.S and my U.S Visa has been expeired one month ago, but my I-20 and I-94 are still valid. This spring break, I wanna take a cruise to travel Mexico or Bahhama, or Puerto Rico, Which island can I go without the risk that rejected by U.S when reenter? Can I go to Bahhama, Mexico or Maya?

Best answer:

Answer by Brother_Hesekiel

The moment you leave the US, your I-94 is collected. In order to enter again, you will need a valid visa and a valid passport. Note that some visas transfer, meaning you get a new Chinese passport but if your visa in the old one is still valid, you just show the old passport together with the new passport at the point of entry.

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Q&A: What services can I use on my cell phone in different countries?

Question by Chelsea: What services can I use on my cell phone in different countries?
I live in the United States and my carrier is Sprint, although I’ll be on T-Mobile by the time I take this vacation. I am going on a 22 day cruise to:

Vancouver, Canada
South Korea

Can I text in some of these countries without an extra fee? And does Sprint or T-Mobile offer plans, or temporary plans where I can text or even make a few calls while in these countries?

All information is appreciated, thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by AJ
Yes, you can use it but any calling, texting, email, internet, you will be hit with huge rates and additional fees. Realize that once you are at sea. you’re not going to a signal.

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Compare the importance of the Nile & Yangtze river systems to the countries they pass.?

Question by Hannah: Compare the importance of the Nile & Yangtze river systems to the countries they pass.?

Best answer:

Answer by The Wise One
The nile: the nile runs between a number of countries. Egypt has built a dam to protect its energy security for the future while the other countries are left with droughts. The river is very important.

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