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Book question???

Question by David H: Book question???
I don’t know how many people have read the book River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze, but if anyone has can you please give me as much information as possible, THANK YOU

Best answer:

Answer by norseheathen
In the heart of China’s Sichuan province, amid the terraced hills of the Yangtze River valley, lies the remote town of Fuling. Like many other small cities in this ever-evolving country, Fuling is heading down a new path of change and growth, which came into remarkably sharp focus when Peter Hessler arrived as a Peace Corps volunteer, marking the first time in more than half a century that the city had an American resident. Hessler taught English and American literature at the local college, but it was his students who taught him about the complex processes of understanding that take place when one is immersed in a radically different society.

Poignant, thoughtful, funny, and enormously compelling, River Town is an unforgettable portrait of a city that is seeking to understand both what it was and what it someday will be.

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Is this a good eye catcher and 1st paragraph to a book?

Question by 7576reds: Is this a good eye catcher and 1st paragraph to a book?
P.s. Keep in ind im only 16

Prologue: Let me start off by saying the worlds in great shape, its year 2027 and we have civil war in Russia…..again.
There’s a big mound of dirt of what WAS China, corrupt and taken over by war, what was once a country of 1.5 billion is now nothing but death, death is everywhere.
The American and Canadian economy has collapsed; people line the streets for bits of scraps.
Thousands die of hunger, disease and exposure every day.
South America has been consumed by the drug war, being civil is not an option, kill or be killed.
Germany has reverted to Dictatorship, 3rd times a charm?
Global warming has caused massive flooding all over the world, earthquakes are a part of everyday life, wild fires have destroyed most of the livestock and food supplies.
The world is collapsing in on its self.
Count your blessings because chances are you wont have them for much longer.

CH 1:
“Sir” SSG. Nick saluted “At ease son, what news have you brought from the East?” General Bryce replied. “Sir” SSG. Nick said laying out a map “we have had a total of 13,000 soldiers killed in France, 22,000 in Italy, Poland and Russia and 7,000 in Spain. The Germans have turned to unrestricted submarine war-fair and have sunk 49 of our battle ships, 67 U-boats, 45 Air craft carriers and have shot down 13 cruise ships, causalities have totaled of 10,670 soldiers and 3,056 civilians.” “Cruise ships?” General Joseph said bewildered “Yes sir” SSG. Nick Replied “but im afraid it only get worst, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Islamic and even some Buddhist Extremist have formed a terrorist group called the “Holy Cleansing” little information is know about them” “Nothing?” General Bryce sighed with hopelessness in his voice “Well….” SSG. Nick said trailing off “Out with it man” General Bryce said turning toward SSG. Nick “If you have something to say, speak it!” SSG. Nick stared down at the floor ashamed he said anything. After a tense silence SSG. Nick came to attention “We have captured one of the Extremists leaders and is being held in a maximum security cell for questioning and torture.” General Bryce looked down upon SSG. Nick with disgust and hate in his eyes “Why was I not told!” He bellowed “We have let thousands of men die and it could have been prevented!” “Why was I not told!?” He repeated. SSG. Nick hesitated but managed to croak a few words “The over lookers of the torture were supposedly looking out for the greater good.” “I know little about the operations.” “Take it to me NOW!” General Bryce Demanded “Im afraid I cant make that happ…” “Unless you want to be placed on the front lines of the Russian Western front, I highly suggest you make it happen” General Bryce said calmly. SSG. Nick twitched “Yes Sir” He said shakily “Please Follow me.”

Best answer:

Answer by Mr. Gumbo
Writing: Work on your writing technique. Too many SSg’s thrown in there and very hard for some people to read.

Idea: Its been done before but dont stop the book. It can turn out very well if you dont stick to the main idea, and have new ideas and turns in it .

Would I read it: Its not my type of book, but dont be offended, i like reading and writing strictly sci-fi books and pyschology books so dont worry.

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Q&A: ABC book of Asia project?

Question by xxemily95: ABC book of Asia project?
I have a project on Asia that’s a little difficult.
I already have a good chunk of them done, and I just need a couple more letters.

A – Archaeology
B – Buddhism
C – Chopsticks
D – Dim sum
E – East Timor
F – Flores (Indonesia)
G – Gandhi
H – Hinduism
I – India
J – Japan
K –
L –
M –
N –
O –
P –
Q –
R – Rice
S – Sushi
T – Taiwan
U – Uighurs
V – Viet Cong
W – Wei Dynasty
X – Xi River
Y – Yangtze River
Z – Zedong, Mao

I basically just need K through Q.


Best answer:

Answer by alex.keefe
K is for Kazakhstan
L is for Lebanon
M is for made in china
N is for Nagasaki
O is for Oriental
P is for Pi So (musical instrument from thailand)
Q is for quin (musical instrument of china, a type of zither)

There ya go Emily =P

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I’m looking for a book but I can’t remember the title of the book and the author.?

Question by blehhh 😛: I’m looking for a book but I can’t remember the title of the book and the author.?
Like it says up there, I’m looking for a book. All I can remember is that its about this toy rabbit named Edward(?) and he’s made of china. One day he was on a cruise with his 12 year old owner and some boys threw him off the ship. His owner kept his gold watch, well at least I think it was a watch. He then ended up with a bunch of different people finding him and his was smashed at a diner in the end of the book. But he was fixed and his original owner found him.

Best answer:

Answer by ám!é
OH MY GOSH. I REMEMBER THIS BOOK <3/ I loved it. Crap..what's it CALLED? Uh. OHHH! The Miraculous Journey Of Edwaard Tulane ! (: Hope this helps ?

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Q&A: can I enter in China with my Bahamas seaman book to embark on a cruise boat as a crew or I need a visa?

Question by Adina: can I enter in China with my Bahamas seaman book to embark on a cruise boat as a crew or I need a visa?
do they give you this transit visa in the airport or you still need to go to the embassy and do all the procedures?

Best answer:

Answer by Seeanna
Travel and travel security have changed so much over the years so if you have intentions to travel anywhere in the World, including the Bahamas, I suggest that you have an up to date Passport, and a Visa.

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I plan to visit Yangtze river of China next year, when is the best time? How can I book Yangtze Cruise?

Question by k l: I plan to visit Yangtze river of China next year, when is the best time? How can I book Yangtze Cruise?

Best answer:

Answer by
April / May or Sept / Oct when weather is just right.

Check out the site listed.

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