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Tag: vacation

Fun vacation places near Maryland for Spring Break?

Question by Ky: Fun vacation places near Maryland for Spring Break?
Hello. My Uncle moved from China to Maryland 2 years ago and ever since he’s moved to Maryland he has been working 6 days a week for 11 hours a day. For spring break, in late April, he is going to take about a week off from work and wishes to go somewhere with me to have fun. The problem is, I don’t know many places to go..I’ve suggested driving to Las Vegas, going to Six Flags or some other roller coaster place like Disney World but he doesn’t just want a ‘one day’ vacation. He wants to be able to have fun that day and have fun the next too to create an exciting memory ever since he’s come to America. Does anyone know what vacation spots will be fun..? We will be driving and not by airport, and I really can’t think of anything. I’ve also suggested cruises but he doesn’t like being stuck on a boat (we’ve been to one before). Any suggestions that are near Maryland!?

Best answer:

Answer by Its u not me
Solomons in Calvert county Maryland.

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What is the best singles vacation options for a professional male in his mid 30s?

Question by Parallox: What is the best singles vacation options for a professional male in his mid 30s?
I have a LOT of vacation from work I need to burn up between now and November. The thing is I am single, and really don’t have any friends I can go traveling with. So I am looking for some travel ideas for a male in his mid 30s. I would like to go someplace a bit more upscale. I did Jamaica a few years back, and didn’t enjoy it. I have also been to Vegas, and really didn’t like it, being I live near Atlantic City, and am not into drinking and dancing. I like the beach, but don’t want to get burned to a crisp. I am not sure I want to do a tour, hopping from city to city, unless there are a lot of cute girls involved. As far as general locations, I was thinking of Europe (on the Mediterranean), the Caribbean, Hawaii, Thailand, maybe even China. I have also looked a cruises, but with hurricane season, I am not sure if that is a good idea. So if there are any locations I missed, or if there are specific recommendations on the places I listed, or vacation companies I should consider, let me know (and don’t say Kontiki, my cousin went on a tour of Alaska and it was a sausage party).

Best answer:

Answer by Bob

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Q&A: What is the best singles vacation options for a professional male in his mid 30s?

Question by Parallox: What is the best singles vacation options for a professional male in his mid 30s?
I have a LOT of vacation from work I need to burn up between now and November. The thing is I am single, and really don’t have any friends I can go traveling with. So I am looking for some travel ideas for a male in his mid 30s. I would like to go someplace a bit more upscale. I did Jamaica a few years back, and didn’t enjoy it. I have also been to Vegas, and really didn’t like it, being I live near Atlantic City, and am not into drinking and dancing. I like the beach, but don’t want to get burned to a crisp. I am not sure I want to do a tour, hopping from city to city, unless there are a lot of cute girls involved. As far as general locations, I was thinking of Europe (on the Mediterranean), the Caribbean, Hawaii, Thailand, maybe even China. I have also looked a cruises, but with hurricane season, I am not sure if that is a good idea. So if there are any locations I missed, or if there are specific recommendations on the places I listed, or vacation companies I should consider, let me know (and don’t say Kontiki, my cousin went on a tour of Alaska and it was a sausage party).
Debbie, that was a lot of great feedback. I am working with a couple travel agents, and am waiting to hear back form them, and what options they have. I was thinking of a European tour, but also want to swim at some nice beaches, so we’ll see what happends. Too bad the hurricane season is upon us.

So… is your 29 year old friend cute 😉

Best answer:

Answer by Debbie B
Hawaii is NOT a good singles place…it’s all people who are either with their family or on their honeymoon (my friend who is a single 29 year old woman is currently there on vacation – having a great time, but said NO single people there). Same holds true for the Caribbean.

I think your best bet is a cruise…they even have singles cruises (my coworker went on one and had an amazing time). I haven’t ever been on a cruise, but I know they have tons of activities/great food/entertainment. It’s a really nice place to meet people.

Europe could be fun, and I guess you could meet some fun foreign women…but still not a great option for a “singles outing.”

My ex went to Australia after we broke up and had an incredible time. He did it through a touring group. If you have a lot of time to spare, that is a great place to visit!!! If I had a lot of vacation time that’s where I would go. Sadly, I only get 3 weeks vacation/personal/sick a year….15 days for an entire year…sigh 🙁

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Help vacation to Seattle?

Question by Jennifer A: Help vacation to Seattle?
Hello we are planning a vacation to Seattle for our twin girls first Birthday we have several places we would like to go so we will be getting the city pass that Seattle offers. There will be my family of five and three other family members. However I can not find a good itinerary with all the things we want to do I would like to take city transit as much as possible if easy to use and walk. so here are the places we will be going someone help me put them in order of day one two and so on and also for the same location in one day I owe whoever does this for me BIG time! this means a lot to my family..
pikes place
china town
zoo bug safari
space needle
lake cruise
deception pass
Burke museum
children museum
Also ideas on packing food to eat any ideas for vacation with a large family.. also we will be going in April or May so clothing sugg

Best answer:

Answer by dryhen0
Hi there!

i answered a similar question a few days back, when someone wanted to know what to do in a day in seattle… one day can be spent seeing the whole of downtown, taking in a show or a movie to top the night off! here’s a breif synopsis of what I would do on day one, which knocks off a bunch of stuff on your list: (pike place, aquarium, space needle, monorail, children’s museum)

I would start at the Seattle Center, which is where the Space Needle is located. Park/cab there, you won’t need your car until way later. If it’s a clear day, go up the needle. if not, don’t bother, it’s not worth it. 🙂 just being honest.

While at the Seattle Center, you can visit the Children’s Museum, but there’s also the EMP (Experience Music Project) which is a music museum filled with a bunch of cool popular culture artifacts. If you’re more of a science buff, may i suggest hitting up the Pacific Science Center, also located at the Seattle Center. Great for kids, great for learning. This will take up a big chunk of your day, too, as there is so much to see.

Once you’ve exhausted your time at the Seattle Center, hop on the Monorail. For only $ 4 per person round trip, this mile-long monorail takes you right to the center of the business district. It drops you at Westlake Center (don’t waste any time in that mall, it’s crap).

Head outside, where you’ll find a couple of blocks of fun shopping — everything from Banana Republic, American Apparel, Deisel, Gap, and you’ll also be able to hit up Pacific Place shopping center (across from Nordstrom one block East of the monorail drop off) that has the higher end stores like Tiffany’s, Barney’s, Coach, Bebe, etc. Lots of fun there.

You can walk a bit south (6 blocks or so, but i’d hop on the bus to get there if i were you) to Chinatown and spend a good hour there, if you’d prefer that to the shopping.

After a couple hours shopping or Chinatown, head West down to Pike Place Market (this is a MUST!) where you can walk the market and grab fresh produce from local farmers, or stop in at one of the many cute hidden restaurants located on the block (let me know if you would like any specific suggestions — Spend a good deal of time exploring this area. It’s got so much history.

Once you are done with the market, head two blocks west (take the stairs down from the market) to the waterfront, where you will find the Seattle Aquarium, and some other fun shops along there (Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe) along with an indoor amusement park with a carousel and arcade. Head north along the piers where you’ll find some breathtaking views of the Puget Sound. If you’re feeling energized, you can take a water taxi along to Alki Beach, but really, it’s not necessary (and you won’t have time). At the end of the waterfront, there are a bunch of restaurants where you could grab a bite to eat — Anthony’s or Waterfront Grille (a bit pricey)… Check out the Sculpture Park (it’s a weird funky park with outdoor sculptures) as you finish your walk.

Head back up to Westlake Center — you can either catch a play at the Paramount Theater, or a concert at the Moore or Showbox, or a movie at the Cinerama, or, if you are tired and want to call it a night, catch the monorail back to your car and head off into the sunset…

so, to sum up:

park at seattle center
space needle
Children’s Museum/EMP/ or Science Center
Monorail to Westlake Center
A bit of shopping at Pacific Place and surrounding Areas
or Chinatown
Walk down to Pike Place Market for lunch
Walk down to the Waterfront
Walk along the pier to Anthony’s for dinner
Back to Westlake for either
Back to the Monorail that takes you back to the Seattle Center.
Back to your car.

As for the other things on your list, they are a bit more spread out… the Zoo could be an entire morning — it’s about 5 miles north of the city center… you could do that the same day as the Lake Cruise — i would recommend Ride the Ducks — it’s a great tour of Seattle on a bus that turns into a boat!! so it takes you by land and by sea! the kids will love it!

Deception Pass is another all-day trip, as it’s pretty far north. you will want to rent a car to do this, though, because a cab ride would be really expensive! it’s beautiful in the spring time, and you’ll see so many bald eagles! i used to go up there with my folks when i was a little girl and we’d count over 30 some times!

bring rain gear just in case, as you will be here during the ‘rainy season’ (hahaha, it’s seattle, so isn’t all year the rainy season?)

if you need suggestions for places to eat, i would say definitely check out … but here are some that i recommend downtown for families with children:

Cheesecake Factory
Fox Sports Grill
Icon Grill (so good! and has genuine Chihuley art throughout — VERY seattle!)
Anthony’s on the waterfront

Some of my top favorites (although i’m an urba

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What should our next vacation be?

Question by ga kid: What should our next vacation be?
We cant decide between
Hawaiian Cruise
Panama Canal Cruise
Scandinavia cruise with a week in Spain
China and Vietnam

We have never been any of these places and it is us 77,70 and our 2 grandsons 17,11/

Best answer:

Answer by Kylie Casablanca
Either hawaiian cruise, or SPAIN!

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Q&A: Where is a good place to go on vacation?

Question by psychosolodiver: Where is a good place to go on vacation?
I want to go on vacation, but can’t decide. I am single, so I want to get lucky. I also like diving, cage fighting and adventure. I have ruled out Compton, Somalia, Libya and Afghanistan due to extreme danger.

I am seriously thinking about going to North Korea, but I hear it’s tough for an American to get a visa without bribing the embassy in China.

Maybe Northern Iraq?

Antarctica is too expensive.

Any ideas? Please give me some good ideas! No cruises! They’re too boring.

Best answer:

Answer by Lovex
Bahamas !

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Q&A: Where in the world to go on vacation?

Question by : Where in the world to go on vacation?
I’ve gone to Greece, Italy, China and Hong Kong and traveled around the U.S. Took a cruise to Alaska. I’ve traveled alone and with groups. I am thinking I would like to travel with a small group on an all inclusive vacation. I was thinking about a camping safari or Egypt. I wanted other opinions from people who have traveled.

Best answer:

Answer by Shanna
Amazon Rainforest. it takes a special person to go there. ; )

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Where would YOUR dream vacation be?

Question by mysteryperson: Where would YOUR dream vacation be?
Grand Canyon


Dominican Republic



Cruise around Pacific Ocean


For me I’d say Grand Canyon.

Best answer:

Answer by kma22263
Hawaii… I’ve lived that dream 5 times so far!

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