
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: places

Fun vacation places near Maryland for Spring Break?

Question by Ky: Fun vacation places near Maryland for Spring Break?
Hello. My Uncle moved from China to Maryland 2 years ago and ever since he’s moved to Maryland he has been working 6 days a week for 11 hours a day. For spring break, in late April, he is going to take about a week off from work and wishes to go somewhere with me to have fun. The problem is, I don’t know many places to go..I’ve suggested driving to Las Vegas, going to Six Flags or some other roller coaster place like Disney World but he doesn’t just want a ‘one day’ vacation. He wants to be able to have fun that day and have fun the next too to create an exciting memory ever since he’s come to America. Does anyone know what vacation spots will be fun..? We will be driving and not by airport, and I really can’t think of anything. I’ve also suggested cruises but he doesn’t like being stuck on a boat (we’ve been to one before). Any suggestions that are near Maryland!?

Best answer:

Answer by Its u not me
Solomons in Calvert county Maryland.

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Top 10 best places in China?

Question by : Top 10 best places in China?
Here are given to 10 travel attraction in China
1. The Great Wall of China
2. The Forbidden City
3. The Temple of Heaven
4. The Yellow Mountain
5. The Potala Palace
6. Yangshuo Tourist Destination
7. The Silk Road
8. Yangtze River of China
9. The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses
10. Tiananmen Square

Hello friends, China has many more beautiful places to visit. If you like any other place you cna add here as your best place.
For more information you can also visit:

Best answer:

Answer by Soursalt
Hong kong and shanghai too! Go on, type in Shanghai, then Hong Kong. I’m sure you’ll add them to your list after going on the website 🙂

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Places to visit in New York?

Question by Sarah.Boo: Places to visit in New York?
Here’s the scoop… I’ve been to New York once, and I’ve done it all. The Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty/ Ellis Island Cruise, Macy’s, SoHo, China Town… etc.

I was wondering if anyone knows of any “un derground” type places.. so to speak.

Fun, interesting things, that not a lot of people know bout, yet they do.
Kind of like the designer lines in china town. ha.

any suggestions.
I’ve heard of a hot dog place where the front door is like a phone booth or something.. ne way.

suggestions please, anything.

and if possible location, too. :]
thank you thank you thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Catluver123
F.A.O Schwarz is always fun and NYC is lots of fun! u can also go to the rockerfeller center and go to the top and look up above the city( lots of fun!)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Have you ever been to any of these places?

Question by : Have you ever been to any of these places?
Figi, Alabama, Rome, Mexico, Bermuda, New Zealand, Mesa Verde, Easter Island, Serengeti, Machu Picchu, The Louvre, Yangtze River, Grand Canyon, Amazon Rain Forest, Galopogos Islands, Great Barrier Reef, Sedona, Li River, Petrovorets, Masai Mara, Australia, Isle of Skye, Newfoundland, Tanzania, or Drumheller. Tell me if you had a great time, A fine time, or you hated it. THANKS!

Best answer:

Answer by Katie M♥t♥cr♥ss 916
no no no no no no no no no

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My husband and I are going to teach English in China. Want to know about costs and best living places.?

Question by susan o: My husband and I are going to teach English in China. Want to know about costs and best living places.?
We are also ballroom dancer instructors on cruise ships and want to continue to do that. Other interests include skiing and exploring. Any advice?

Best answer:

Answer by Ly
It depends on which city are you going to. Usually in Shanghai and Peking are more expansive, but everyone include the chinese wants to live there, and it also depends if you want to live in the center of the city or in the countryside. Living costs would be at least 450 pounds.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Q&A: I am going to China and would like the name of a guide to show me places off the beaten path.?

Question by Reneemex: I am going to China and would like the name of a guide to show me places off the beaten path.?
I am debating about the Yangtze River Cruise and would like opinions. Also any special hotels or restaurants would be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Jackie
when i went to china, we used this company for our guide. they were AWESOME and so accommodating to our needs.

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