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Tag: missile

Doe the J-20 stealth heavy fighter / H-6U aerial tanker / DH-10 air launched land attack cruise missile combo?

Question by : Doe the J-20 stealth heavy fighter / H-6U aerial tanker / DH-10 air launched land attack cruise missile combo?
eliminate China’s need for aircraft carriers for long range strikes anywhere in the world?

J-20 Black Eagle:



Best answer:

Answer by Jean-Paul

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cruise missile technology stollen. who win who lose?

Question by umer i: cruise missile technology stollen. who win who lose?
when america fired cruise missiles to afghanistan.two of them fall in balouchistan(pakistan). pakistan gave these missile to china and china stole their technology and gave pakitan a cruise pakistan is making new cruise missiles.why america didnot stop pakistan to steal his u think america lose in this matter?

Best answer:

Answer by Musalmah M
No one can blame anyone with out a Proof….there was no single proof that Iran has Missile Technology but it was destroyed…………Pakistan is a very Poor Country…..
if Pakistan is Doing something it is only for their Defence…
Not for any Negetive purpose……….India is threatning Pakistan……that By chance they Get seprated One day they will get Pakistan Back…….and West too says till new Century Pakistan will be Destroyed……..for that reason if any Protective measures Pakistan is doing ….it is not harmful for others……….In fact Pakistan is a very Friendly…and peaceful Country…..

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does the U.S military have a supersonic antiship cruise missile? or an actual defense against the russian one?

Question by lucky: does the U.S military have a supersonic antiship cruise missile? or an actual defense against the russian one?
My brother is on an aircraft carrier in the gulf….says they are all freaking out about the new russian missile china and iran has. That the US military is lacking in anti missile technology…and also has nothing to match the russian made new “sunburt” missile. Is this true?
Ive been looking around the web/asking questions. So far…what ive found out is 1)The us does not have a supersonic missile. he have the harpoon which is from the 70’s. As far as defense we have the Aguies(sp?) system that the russian missile was made to destroy.

Further question. If we have a military budget spending more the the russians and china…why dont we have better technology?

Best answer:

Answer by Sean Penn
I heard about that, we have nothing. That’s why the some peoplein the Pentagon are nervous.

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Q&A: Has China already got more military equipment as it is 20 times cheaper to build a missile in China?

Question by Mr Miyagi wants a kiss: Has China already got more military equipment as it is 20 times cheaper to build a missile in China?
Many people point to China’s military budget when comparing it to other nations but military equipment is made much more cheaper in china. To build a cruise or nuclear missile in the USA they first have to ask the Chinese if they can use their rare earth materials (98% of all rare earth materials come from China). The Chinese can make everything from jet fighters to jeeps for a fraction of the cost of ther nations. If you account for how cheap they can produce military equipment how long before they are the number 1 military power? That is if they are not already.

Best answer:

Answer by Satellite
No. China’s military hardware and logistics is dwarfed compared to the US. The near entirety of the Chinese forces is comprised of unarmoured infantry.

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Since China has 2 million oil engineers in Libya what’s the chance of Obama hitting one of them with a Missile?

Question by Obama W. Bush: Since China has 2 million oil engineers in Libya what’s the chance of Obama hitting one of them with a Missile?
Ya’Know like Clinton Did in Kosovo when he Cruise Missiled the Chinese Embassy.

I’m thinking at a Million dollars apiece Presidents shouldn’t be trusted with Cruise Missiles. They should Let Congress declare who gets bombed. Kinna like the founders had in mind

Best answer:

Answer by Defender of Capitalists and Straights
War with China. I sure Palin talking $ hit about China in India is friendly too. Both should be kicked out of the republic and democrat party.

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Q&A: If you found an unexploded cruise missile in your back yard, who would you sell it too?

Question by The Dog’s Bollocks: If you found an unexploded cruise missile in your back yard, who would you sell it too?
North Korea?
Al Qaida?
The Mafia?

How about for, let’s say, $ 10 million?

Best answer:

Answer by oldmarine08
Money means nothing to me, I would called the US Government!

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Q&A: Do you think cruise missile owned by Iran and China is able to destory air craft carrier?

Question by Verdi: Do you think cruise missile owned by Iran and China is able to destory air craft carrier?

Best answer:

Answer by Blunt Honesty
No, not big enough to destroy. Will damage, though.

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