
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: Huang

Q&A: around what time period were the tigres and euphrates rivers used? also indus and ganges? huang he &yangtze ?

Question by Congi: around what time period were the tigres and euphrates rivers used? also indus and ganges? huang he &yangtze ?

Best answer:

Answer by loveanonymoty
I am familiar with the tigres and euphrates river of mesopotamia. During the neolithic period, men discovered how to domesticate animals and cultivate food and in turn, civilization occurred. Permanent constructions of settlements usually occur near rivers. And also during this period the discovery of using copper alloy in conjuction with tin created a stronger metal, bronze. So I would confidently say during the late neolithic period.

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the following 5 rivers are the longest in the world: nile amazon chang jiang (yangtze) ob-irtysh huang he. to?

Question by katlyn w: the following 5 rivers are the longest in the world: nile amazon chang jiang (yangtze) ob-irtysh huang he. to?

Best answer:

Answer by Max
Nile – Africa
Amazon – S. America
Chang Jiang – Asia
Ob-Irtysh – Asia
Huang He – Asia

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Q&A: are there any current news about the river yangtze river and huang ho?

Question by sweetdreams: are there any current news about the river yangtze river and huang ho?
these are rivers in china

Best answer:

Answer by desertviking_00
Use the link below and its search feature.

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Q&A: Do people cruise, canoe, or sail the Huang He river in China?

Question by Juliet Jiang: Do people cruise, canoe, or sail the Huang He river in China?

Best answer:

Answer by She came prematurely
only if they prefer to cruise, canoe or sail in yellow mud full of lead and other poisonous chemicals which can cause death.

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