
China Yangtze River Information: cruises, maps, pictures, ships, three gorges dam.

Tag: first

Asian people first originated from AFRICA? is this true?

Question by : Asian people first originated from AFRICA? is this true?
I read somewhere that Asians first originated in Africa:

“In Cavalli-Sforza’s genetic clustering work (1988) South Chinese join Southeast Asians in genetic clustering while the North Chinese associate with Koreans, Japanese, Ainu, Bhutanese and Tibetans in genetic clustering. Other Southeast Asians include Malaysian, Viet Muong, Thai, Western Indonesian and Philippine.

Xiao and Cavalli-Sforza (2000) find the boundary between Northern and Southern Mongoloids to approximate the Yangtze River, and suggest that their ancestors arrived from Africa via separate routes. Principal component analysis of gene frequencies of Chinese populations

Other scientists have suggested that the finding of sharp genetic differences between North and South China is an artifact of using an insufficient number of samples. However, Xiao and Cavalli-Sforza (2000) has a larger number of samples than previous studies.”

It says that they originated from a part of Africa, if this is true, Black people are our long lost brothers and sisters?

Best answer:

Answer by Rawr!
People originated in Africa.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Help! Three social studies questions! first correct answer gets 10 points!!?

Question by : Help! Three social studies questions! first correct answer gets 10 points!!?
What is the name of the sea east of China and west of the Korean peninsula? (1 point)

* Yellow Sea
* Sea of Japan
* South China Sea
* East China Sea

What is another name for the Yangtze River? (1 point)

* Huang He
* Wei He
* Chang Jiang
* Yellow River

Qin Shihuangdi was buried with over 6,000 soldiers and horses made of ________. (1 point)

* jewels
* terra cotta
* gold
* bronze

Thanks!! 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by G
7. East China Sea

8. Chang Jiang

9. Terra Cotta

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

China’s first cities arose along the the ____ where yellow silt, called__, …?

Question by horse: China’s first cities arose along the the ____ where yellow silt, called__, …?
made the valley fertile.
A. dynasty cycle
C.Huang He River
D.loess bones
F.Peking Man
H.Shang Di
I.Yangtze River

Best answer:

Answer by bubsir
Yangtze and Loess

Add your own answer in the comments!

Please help me? the first person to help 10 points:) ?

Question by : Please help me? the first person to help 10 points:) ?
The Chinese government is constructing the largest dam ever built in an effort to control the Yangtze River. In at least 5 paragraphs I want you to give details about this dam and what kind of impact it will have on China and possibly even the world. You should include information about the structure itself, the positive and negative results of building the Three Gorges Dam and possibly your opinion on the matter which should be supported with reasons why.

Can you do one as an example please

Best answer:

Answer by em
Seriously, 10 point for five paragraphs? Are you kidding me?

Add your own answer in the comments!

What was the first crop cultivated in the Yangtze River Basin in around 4350 B.C.?

Question by Sarah: What was the first crop cultivated in the Yangtze River Basin in around 4350 B.C.?

Best answer:

Answer by johnny serbia
milk & honey

What do you think? Answer below!

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