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Tag: earth

what would really happen if aliens invaded the earth?

Question by Mace W: what would really happen if aliens invaded the earth?
mean how do u think we would really react.

1. white and black come together and gang up on green.

2. after one of their satelites are destroyed france cuts a deal (ww2 style) with the aliens and elects a puppet regime.

3. the arabs charge with derelict soviet space shuttles and go on the greatest suicide run in history

4. the most powerful christian nations in the west, russia and china get taking out fast and the refugees from these countries move to the third world and join with the rest of humanity in resistance and guerilla warfare, in subsaharan jungles, siberian tundras and north african deserts.

5. the church of scientology declares all religions are wrong, and we should worship the aliens as gods. the aliens then make tom cruises their prophet and charge him with exterminating and converting all other religious infidels to the church of scientology.

6. the aliens arrive on earth destroy the most powerful nations before catching a little cold that turns out to be deadly to their race thereby exterminating them. and leaving their advanced technology and out springs new powerful nations. in subsaharan africa arrives the bantu hegemony a xenophobic, restricted, neutral and isolated society. north africa and southern europe becomes the meditteranian alliance. asia and eastern russia becomes the ethnically diverse, siberia-mongolian empire. the rest of europe comes under control of the slavic union. the middle east and northern india comes under the control of the persian aryan nation. the rest of india extending all the way down to austarlia unites to become the dravidian-aboriginal republic, a free and democratic society. while canada mexico and usa unite to become the united tribes of north america an afro-amerindian society with strong indian, anglo and african influences. south america then becomes the new inca empire. and finally the carribean and bahamas and all the surrounding islands becomes the confederated islands of the carribean.

7. or the worst senario the most powerful nations agree to peaceful surrender and help the aliens hunt down their human brothers in the 2nd and third world for anal probing or whatever aliens do.

8. we launch our entire nuclear arsenal at them before they reach earth and destroy them and never knowing why they came here

9. billy bob gets out of his trailer with his 12 gauge and bible and tries to forcefully convert the aliens to cristianity. he then gets vapourized and the the aliens play their own version of cowboys and indians, but this time with the cowboys being the aliens and the indians being the human race. day everyone is chilling enjoying the planet and them there is a flash and just like that humanity and its civilizations cease to exist

so which do u think is the most likely. u can have more than one option
pls ans;_ylt=Akwya6i2EnwEu1ipDC_EFVTsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100608100047AAU3YeD

Best answer:

Answer by JR

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what would really happen if aliens invaded earth?

Question by Mace W: what would really happen if aliens invaded earth?
mean how do u think we would really react.

1. white and black come together and gang up on green.

2. after one of its sattelites is destroyed france cuts a deal (ww2 style) with aliens and elects a puppet regime.

3. the arabs charge with derelict soviet space shuttles and go on the greatest suicide run in history

4. the most powerful christian nations in the west, russia and china get taking out fast and the refugees from these countries move to the third world and join with the rest of humanity in resistance and guerilla warfare, in subsaharan jungles, siberian tundras and north african deserts.

5. the church of scientology declares all religions are wrong, and we should worship the aliens as gods. the aliens then make tom cruises their prophet and charge him with exterminating and converting all other religious infidels to the church of scientology.

6. the aliens arrive on earth destroy the most powerful nations before catching a little cold that turns out to be deadly to their race thereby exterminating them. and leaving their advanced technology and out springs new powerful nations. in subsaharan africa arrives the bantu hegemony a xenophobic, restricted, neutral and isolated society. north africa and southern europe becomes the meditteranian alliance. asia and eastern russia becomes the ethnically diverse, siberia-mongolian empire. the rest of europe comes under control of the slavic union. the middle east and northern india comes under the control of the persian aryan nation. the rest of india extending all the way down to austarlia unites to become the dravidian-aboriginal republic, a free and democratic society. while canada mexico and usa unite to become the united tribes of north america an afro-amerindian society with strong indian, anglo and african influences. south america then becomes the new inca empire. and finally the carribean and bahamas and all the surrounding islands becomes the confederated islands of the carribean.

7. or the worst senario the most powerful nations agree to peaceful surrender and help the aliens hunt down their human brothers in the 2nd and third world for anal probing or whatever aliens do.

8. we launch our entire nuclear arsenal at them before they reach earth and destroy them and never knowing why they came here

9. billy bob comes out of his trailer with his clan while holding a bible in one hand and a 12 guage in the other, he and his family try to forcefully convert the aliens to christianity, unfortunately the aliens vaporise him and his family and spread allover the earth and playing their own version of cowboys and indians, but with the cowboys being the aliens and the indians the human race.

10. one day we are all just chilling enjoying the planet and theres a flash and just like that byebye the human race

so which do u think is the most likely. u can have more than one option
pls ans;_ylt=AuQZxt1_k.K7Mw7HEPFhZoXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100622074149AAiyqsW

Best answer:

Answer by Mehraj

Add your own answer in the comments!

how we would really react if aliens ever invaded earth?

Question by Mace W: how we would really react if aliens ever invaded earth?
mean how do u think we would really react.

1. white and black come together and gang up on green.

2. after one of their satelites are destroyed france cuts a deal (ww2 style) with the aliens and elects a puppet regime.

3. the arabs charge with derelict soviet space shuttles and go on the greatest suicide run in history

4. the most powerful christian nations in the west, russia and china get taking out fast and the refugees from these countries move to the third world and join with the rest of humanity in resistance and guerilla warfare, in subsaharan jungles, siberian tundras and north african deserts.

5. the church of scientology declares all religions are wrong, and we should worship the aliens as gods. the aliens then make tom cruises their prophet and charge him with exterminating and converting all other religious infidels to the church of scientology.

6. the aliens arrive on earth destroy the most powerful nations before catching a little cold that turns out to be deadly to their race thereby exterminating them. and leaving their advanced technology and out springs new powerful nations. in subsaharan africa arrives the bantu hegemony a xenophobic, restricted, neutral and isolated society. north africa and southern europe becomes the meditteranian alliance. asia and eastern russia becomes the ethnically diverse, siberia-mongolian empire. the rest of europe comes under control of the slavic union. the middle east and northern india comes under the control of the persian aryan nation. the rest of india extending all the way down to austarlia unites to become the dravidian-aboriginal republic, a free and democratic society. while canada mexico and usa unite to become the united tribes of north america an afro-amerindian society with strong indian, anglo and african influences. south america then becomes the new inca empire. and finally the carribean and bahamas and all the surrounding islands becomes the confederated islands of the carribean.

7. or the worst senario the most powerful nations agree to peaceful surrender and help the aliens hunt down their human brothers in the 2nd and third world for anal probing or whatever aliens do.

8. we launch our entire nuclear arsenal at them before they reach earth and destroy them and never knowing why they came here

9. billy bob gets out of his trailer with his 12 gauge and bible and tries to forcefully convert the aliens to cristianity. he then gets vapourized and the the aliens play their own version of cowboys and indians, but this time with the cowboys being the aliens and the indians being the human race. day everyone is chilling enjoying the planet and them there is a flash and just like that humanity and its civilizations cease to exist

so which do u think is the most likely. u can have more than one option
pls ans;_ylt=Ati0SbzOn9PUGY299dOmBmfvDH1G;_ylv=3?qid=20100610064437AAQ42Pe

Best answer:

Answer by skeletons of society
id hide tom cruise did in that one movie,he was trying to protect his family though.cant really call that hiding

war of the worlds

What do you think? Answer below!

Q&A: what would really happen if aliens invaded earth?

Question by Mace W: what would really happen if aliens invaded earth?
mean how do u think we would really react.

1. white and black come together and gang up on green.

2. france cuts a deal with aliens and elects a puppet regime.

3. the arabs charge with derelict soviet space shuttles and go on the greatest suicide run in history

4. the most powerful christian nations in the west, russia and china get taking out fast and the refugees from these countries move to the third world and join with the rest of humanity in resistance and guerilla warfare, in subsaharan jungles, siberian tundras and north african deserts.

5. the church of scientology declares all religions are wrong, and we should worship the aliens as gods. the aliens then make tom cruises their prophet and charge him with exterminating and converting all other religious infidels to the church of scientology.

6. the aliens arrive on earth destroy the most powerful nations before catching a little cold that turns out to be deadly to their race thereby exterminating them. and leaving their advanced technology and out springs new powerful nations. in subsaharan africa arrives the bantu hegemony a xenophobic, restricted, neutral and isolated society. north africa and southern europe becomes the meditteranian alliance. asia and eastern russia becomes the ethnically diverse, siberia-mongolian empire. the rest of europe comes under control of the slavic union. the middle east and northern india comes under the control of the persian aryan nation. the rest of india extending all the way down to austarlia unites to become the dravidian-aboriginal republic, a free and democratic society. while canada mexico and usa unite to become the united tribes of north america an afro-amerindian society with strong indian, anglo and african influences. south america then becomes the new inca empire. and finally the carribean and bahamas and all the surrounding islands becomes the confederated islands of the carribean.

7. or the worst senario the most powerful nations agree to peaceful surrender and help the aliens hunt down their human brothers in the 2nd and third world for anal probing or whatever aliens do.

so which do u think is the most likely. u can have more than one option
new senario

8. we launch our entire nuclear arsenal at them before they reach earth and destroy them and never knowing why they came here

Best answer:

Answer by andrew
All of the above.

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Q&A: When ETs invade Earth and attack China, will they have another thing coming when PL-12 AMRAAMs and YJ-83 nucle?

Question by gua: When ETs invade Earth and attack China, will they have another thing coming when PL-12 AMRAAMs and YJ-83 nucle?
ar-tipped cruise missiles fired by Chinese air force planes slam into their space-ships?

Best answer:

Answer by …………..
earth to gua.comeback to reality

What do you think? Answer below!

Q&A: What is the deepest river on earth? It is not the Yangtze?

Question by jeff wojcinski: What is the deepest river on earth? It is not the Yangtze?

Best answer:

Answer by chanljkk
Amazon river ?

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